Swearing and Otherwise (Ishan-Sachin-Rohit)

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To put it lightly, Ishan was mad at Mohsin. What kind of a friend was he, leaving him to carry everything alone? 

So, as soon as he entered the dressing room and spotted Mohsin, he snapped at him, "What the hell? Why did you leave me there like that, #$*%?", Ishan swore loudly.

Mohsin, surprisingly, did not say anything back. He just raised an eyebrow, gesturing for Ishan to look back. Ishan was confused, but he turned nonetheless.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. OH MY GOD", the voice in his head shouted. There was none other than THE Sachin Tendulkar, sitting there.

Ishan, pretty much like a student who spots his teacher in the market, quickly removed his glasses and earpods. He settled his hair, as he said a respectful, "Afternoon, sir", to Sachin.

Sachin greeted him back, as the whole dressing room erupted into laughter. Ishan was embarrassed to say the least.

For the rest of the day, even during practice, he didn't dare to meet Sachin Sir's eyes, all while mentally kicking himself. What was he even thinking?

That was when Rohit walked up to him.

"Hey, what's up?", Rohit chuckled.

"Bhai, yaar, please don't tease me about that", Ishan pleaded.

"I wasn't going to", Rohit defended himself.

"What would Sachin sir think about me now? I'm so #*&^  stupid."

"Hey, hey, hey. Stop swearing. So it's fine to curse in front of me, huh?"

"Sorry", Ishan said sheepishly.

"It's fine, whatever. But really, Sachin paaji wouldn't think any lesser of you for sure. He knows how crazy you young guys are."

"Bhaaaii", Ishan whined in response.

"Anyway, just maybe go and talk to paaji if you wanna. And don't swear loudly in the dressing room from the next time", Rohit casually suggested.

"I promise I won't, bhai. I've learnt my lesson", Ishan looked down again, as Rohit patted his back.

Ishan did talk to Sachin, and his idol telling him it wasn't a big deal lifted a big burden off his chest for sure. 

Talking to his elder bros was almost always the best solution.

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