Trouble (MahiRohiRat)

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Rohit and Virat were still rather new to the Indian Team, but were already thick as thieves. They shared a room, sat together, ate together- did everything together. Why they did that was beyond MSD, because it seemed that at least one of them was always complaining about the other.

On one rare occasion, MSD was actually addressing the team in their morning practice session. Usually it was just a "Do your best, guys" or "Come on, we got this!", but this time, he was actually giving a speech. So, naturally, everyone was listening with rapt attention.

All of a sudden, though, Rohit started giggling quietly. Virat noticed that and raised an eyebrow at him. Rohit just shook his head, and tried his best to be inconspicuous. Laughter is contagious, and soon Virat was laughing, too.

The only problem was Virat didn't know how to laugh quietly. He was full-on guffawing in a while. Of course, MSD noticed that, and stopped speaking.

"What's so funny, Virat?", he asked coolly. Virat got chills from the way his captain was staring at him, and on hearing 'Virat' instead of 'Cheeku', he sobered up quickly.

"No, no, tell us. We want to laugh too", he repeated.

"No, it's nothing, Mahi bhai", Virat replied honestly. He had been laughing at literally nothing.

"Alright. So, you'd surely know what I was talking about?"

Virat felt like a kid who'd been caught talking in the middle of a lecture, as he shook his head.

"I'm guessing that what your captain is saying is not really important to you. That's why you don't bother listening", MSD voice wasn't angry. It was calm. Scary calm.

"No, no, of course not, bhai. I'm  sorry",  Virat apologized.

Mahi bhai nodded and continued with his speech.

"You doofus. You got me into trouble", Virat hissed at Rohit.

"What did I do? I didn't even say anything."

"You started laughing like crazy."

"Ask anyone, the only one laughing like crazy was you."

"ROHIT, VIRAT", Mahi bhai said in the same scary tone, and both of them shut up immediately.

A few minutes later, after MSD wrapped up with whatever he had to say, everyone started reaching their spots for practice. He called out to Virat, "Can you stay here for a few minutes? I'd like to talk to you."

Virat squinted his eyes at Rohit, as if to say, 'Look what you've done now', and Rohit actually felt a little guilty.

MSD was sitting on a chair, and Virat went and stood near him, like an innocent, good kid.

"Sit, sit", Mahi bhai said, "Now, tell me the truth. What was going on today? You're usually very attentive when I talk."

"It was honestly nothing, Mahi bhai. I just started laughing because- er- because I saw someone else laughing."

"Really? Who was that someone?", MSD tried to hide the amusement in his voice.

"Just- just someone", Virat decided not to throw Rohit under the bus.

"Okaaaay. And may I ask why you were disturbing Ro?"

"Because he's an idiot. I'm sorry, Mahi bhai, I really am", Virat deflected.

"I know you are. It's fine. Make sure it doesn't happen again, Cheeku", MSD sighed.

"I will, Mahi bhai, promise."

"And you'll clear up all the equipment after practice today. That's your punishment", MS declared with a small smile.

Virat nodded solemnly, and MS pulled him in for a hug.

After practice, Rohit saw Virat picking up the cones from the ground. 

"Punishment?", he asked as he approached Virat.

"Punishment", Virat confirmed.

"How come Mahi bhai didn't scold me?"

"I didn't tell on you", Virat shrugged it off.

"Really? Why?", Rohit was surprised.

"Because we're friends. I don't mind covering for you, you big lazy panda."

Rohit was touched. Not at being called a lazy panda, though.

"I'll help", Rohit started picking up the equipment, too and Virat smiled at him.

When they were done, Rohit said, "I'm sorry. For making you laugh, you know. You're a good friend."

"Meh", Virat said, "Just tell me what you were laughing about."

"I read a joke in the morning. I don't know, I was reminded of it, and I started laughing."

"Unbelievable. What was the joke?"

"Pandas are proof that you can eat salad and still be fat", Rohit said with twinkling eyes.

Virat burst out laughing, not at the joke, but at how appropriate it was for Rohit to say that.

"You're the best", Virat declared when he caught his breath.

"You too", Rohit smiled and half-hugged him.

Mahi bhai looked at them and smiled. 

They are good for each other, he decided.

A/N: It was so much fun writing this ❤️.

Hey, mahirat_forever1807Starfly2001muktiikyyyenamothoneybelle_ check this out 🥰!

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