
Zoro stops lifting his weights he looks up, "Feel something?"

It was pebbles.

Falling from the sky?

"Rain?" Zoro asks.

"No, this isn't rain." Sanji answers. The crew all looked up as the pebbles get bigger and get mixed with larger and larger bits of debris as a shadow looms over them.......

A falling ship.


The crew all scream as a giant ship falls into the ocean with a huge crash. The waves immediately rise, dangerously rocking the ship. "Grab hold of something!" Zoro yells.

Yukiko grabbed Pachi as Luffy hung onto the mast and he grabbed her tight as Pachi grabbed Luffy's hat.

"Why are there ships falling from the sky?!" Nami shrieks.

"I know! This is all just a bad dream!" Usopp says.

"Great, I love dreams!" Chopper exclaims as they're thrown this way and that.

More and more debris rains down, all of it big enough to cause some decent damage if we're hit directly.

"It won't stop falling!" Sanji exclaims.

"The rudder, turn the rudder!" Nami yells.

"That'll never work in these waves!" Zoro argues.

"Luffy, we gotta protect the ship; she's taking a beating!" Sanji yells.

"I got this! Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno! Triad Protect!" Yukiko said throwing three Pokeballs.

The Titan Bird Trio she mentioned earlier appeared in their mighty glory and protected the ship.

"Wait, they are the birds Yukiko mentoned!" Nami said.

"Amazing!" Robin said astonished. "And they were called Gods in Yukiko's world?"

Luffy ended up sparkling like a jewel with stars in his eyes.

"I cast aside my worries and reach deep within to find my happy place."
Usopp tries to reason with himself as he opens his eyes and lets out a scream as something floppy and dirty falls in front of him. "A skeleton dead guy! I'm surrounded by dead people!" Usopp moans.

"When is this stuff gonna stop falling?!" Nami yells.
After what feels like forever, the commotion finally dies down. No more debris and the fallen ship is safely sinking into the ocean.

Yukiko returned the Titan Trio in case the Marines were around.

"Okay, how did a ship fall from the sky?" Luffy asks.

"Captain error?" Sanji tries.

Zoro shrugs, "The sky's clear, so who knows."

"I knew coming to the Grand Line was a bad idea!" Usopp whimpers as he and Chopper cling to each other. "First we sail over a ship graveyard and now they're falling out of the sky with skeletons!"

" I know Grand Line weather is unpredictable but Freaking ships and skeletons raining from the sky?! For all we know next we could be eaten by a ship full of zombies! Or it could rain candy! At this point, I'm willing to believe anything!" Yukiko shouted as Usopp and Chopper screamed in fright.

"Oh no!" They perk up as they hear Nami. "The Log Pose is broken; it's pointing at the sky!"

"What?!" Yukiko said looking at the Log.

"It's not broken." Robin speaks up. "The needle is reflecting a strong magnetic pull, and if it's pointing towards the sky, then it must be pointing towards a Sky Island."

"Sky Island?!" The crew yells.

The crew listens intently as Robin explains that there's an entire ocean up in the sky, where islands inhabit the clouds.

"So there's entire islands above this ocean?!" Yukiko exclaimed.

"Alright!" Luffy exclaims. "Raise the sails and set a course for Sky Island!"

"Point the rudder down and face the helm towards the sky!" Usopp adds.

Robin makes hands appear to give them a smack. "Did it just hit you that we can't, you know, fly?" Sanji asks flatly.

"To be honest, I've only ever heard of Sky Island through rumors, I've never actually seen it." Robin says.

"Of course not!" Nami says. "Because it's a lie, islands don't float in the sky; our Log Pose is broken, that's all."

"Nami. You're not getting it. We've traveled through a canal that goes up a mountain, met a dragon, met various devil fruit users, found a dragon nest that emerges every 1000 years, traveled into a mysterious mist that is tied with the space-time continum, and I'm proof that other dimensions exist. Who is to say that a Sky Island doesn't exist?" Yukiko asked smiling.

".........Yukiko's got a point." Usopp admitted.

"Miss Beast Master is right, Miss Navigator." Robin responds. "No matter how illogical of a situation we finds ourselves in, you must never doubt the Log Pose and it's pointing to an island, I bet my life on it."

After that, Robin decides to take a look at the skeleton that fell onto our ship, while Luffy and Usopp check out the remains of the ship. The crew watches as Robin carefully puts the broken skull back together expertly, until the entire thing is fixed good as new.

"I see holes on the crown. Could they be from a weapon?" Sanji asked.

"No, these look too clean. If I had to guess it's a medical procedure called craterazation. To remove a tumor." Robin said.

They all listen a Robin explains that the man was probably in his early thirties on his voyage before dying from a possible illness. She then puts together that this man was with an exploratory party since his teeth were healthy using methods from the South Blue.

A few moments later, she pulls out a book and finds the ship that fell on them, The St. Briss which was an exploratory vessel launched from the South Blue over 200 years ago.

"So if this was an exploration vessel, there should be more evidence on the ship." Yukiko said.

But the ship's already sunk and Luffy is currently drowning. "What the hell are you doing?! You know you can't swim!" Nami yells.

After we fish him out, Luffy is smiling like he just found a boatload of meat. "I did it!" He cheers. "I found the best thing ever!" He holds up a roll of paper and unfolds it revealing a map, but not just any map.

"A map of the Sky Island?!" Wow, lucky find!

Nami takes it and examines it, "It's called Skypiea?"

Yukiko looked the map over. "This thing looks pretty old; I'm surprised Luffy managed to find it in such good condition." she said as Luffy, Usopp and Chopper start dancing happily.

However there's still one problem...how the hell are we even supposed to get there?

Then Nami and Luffy begin arguing until she finally ends it with a punch to his head and pointing out that we don't know how to get up into the sky safely.

"Only one way to find out. We just need to figure out how that fallen ship got up there." Yukiko said.

"I think that ship's at the bottom of the ocean by now." Usopp says.

"If it's sunk, then we'll salvage it!" Nami declares.

"I got the just the Pokémon to do it!" Yukiko smiled as she got her PC out.
Plz comment!

Skypiea is underway which means we'll meet Bellamy.

How should Bellamy react to Yukiko?

And once we get to Skypiea, how should Enel react to Yukiko as she can summon powerful creatures and listen to her?

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