Chapter One.

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*Sarah's POV*

It had been hours since I came in here. I had been in for so long, a whole night could have passed and I wouldn't have known. I decided that I would take the chance and leave the room.

Pushing the door open, I glanced around to make sure that I was indeed alone before quickly making my way through the tombs, finding the door to cell block C and found that it was open. The place was empty so I wasted no time in running upstairs to my cell to gather a few things before I left the prison completely. 

As I picked up one of my bags, I heard footsteps from downstairs and looking around, I grabbed one of Daryl's bolts that he had left lying around and tiptoed to the edge of the catwalk, peering over to see what was there. Seeing nothing, I determined that there was nothing there and I had imagined it when I heard what sounded like someone was crying. 

The last time I checked, walkers couldn't do that which meant that there was someone human in here with me. I exhaled quietly and held the bolt tighter and against my better judgement, I called out to them, "Hello?" 

The crying stopped and a few seconds later, the figure appeared underneath me and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, "Glenn?" 

He spun around, staring at me with wide eyes and before he could say anything, I was running down the stairs and wrapping my arms around him. "Sarah," he breathed, "Oh I'm so glad you're here. Are you okay?"?"

I nodded and put my hands on his shoulders, "Are you? I-how are you feeling?" 

"I'm okay," he said quietly, "But what the hell happened? Maggie got me onto the bus but she didn't get a chance to tell me what happened."

"Not really," I mumbled, "All I saw when I got outside was the Governor. He attacked us and he had a tank." 

Glenn scratched the back of his neck, "Did you see Maggie?" 

I shook my head, "I saw Daryl and Beth but I lost them."

He stood up and went back into the cell, emerging again minutes later carrying a bag which looked to be empty, "We need to find them."

"Okay," I whispered, "But what if they're dead?" 

"They're not." he said adamantly, "I thought you were dead but you proved me wrong." 

I nodded and headed for the stairs again, "You're right. We'll go, yeah?" 

"Grab anything you think can be helpful, okay?" he instructed and while he searched the cells downstairs, I went back up to mine and started packing. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the small pile of photographs that I had taken with the camera and I picked them up, stuffing them into my pocket- I'd look at them later. Along with those, I found a few half filled bottles of water and a stash of granola and candy bars that I had hidden along with some bullets. 

"Will you check Daryl's perch?" Glenn called and I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"I got it!" 

The perch looked like it had been abandoned for months; the mattress that Daryl had used a couple of times was covered in dust and concrete due to the impacts of the tank but I found some more of Daryl's bolts, which he would be needing if, no when, we found him along with his poncho that I had insulted so many times. 

Glenn climbing up the stairs made me turn around and he was holding up a set of riot gear. "You wear it." he mumbled, pushing the helmet into my hands but I shook my head. 

"What? Glenn, no. You found it, you wear it."

"Yeah right," he snickered, "What am I gonna tell Daryl when I find him and you're dead? He'd kick my ass."

"And Maggie would kick mine!" I retorted and sighed, "Do you have any idea how bad it is out there?" 

"No," he mumbled, "But when I woke up, I saw that one of the catwalks were still standing. I'll go look and then we'll get out of here. You keep packing."

Nodding, I went back to stuffing the poncho into my bag. Maybe Glenn would be able to find more people too. 


We had a plan. Finally. 

What we were going to do was Glenn was going to run into the herd, wearing the riot gear and run to another safe place before throwing a molotov he had made and then while the walkers were distracted, I'd catch up with him and then together, we'd leave.

"Just stay put for a little longer." he mumbled and pulled on the helmet, "I'll be as quick as I can."

I handed him a gun, "Okay. Be careful."

He nodded and pushed the gate open, running into the herd and I closed the gate again before watching with wide eyes as he battered his way though them until I lost sight of him.

Knowing that I had maybe minutes at the most, I grabbed the bags that I would be carrying and waited. 

A good five minutes had passed and just when I was getting worried, I saw the bottle of alcohol fly over the walkers and smash on the ground a fair distance away and I waited until most of them were moving towards it before leaving the small area and making my way to where Glenn was. 

He met me halfway and I noticed that there was a young woman following behind him. I didn't recognise her from the prison, which meant that she had probably been with the Governor and Glenn touched my shoulder gently.

"I know. Her name's Tara. We'll deal with it when we get out of here. C'mon!" 

I groaned quietly and followed after him as he lead the two of us out of the prison yard. 

When we reached the road, the woman, sorry Tara, fell behind while I kept the pace with Glenn. "Why is she with us?" I asked, "She attacked us!" 

"No, she didn't." he muttered, coming to a stop. 

"I was going to." Tara said, making the two of us look at her, "But I wasn't supposed to be there. And then...then he killed that old man."

I felt the blood rush from my face as Glenn stepped forward, "Hershel?" 

"I'm sorry!" she sobbed, "I'm so sorry."

I stumbled away from the two of them, feeling like I was going to throw up. 

Hershel was like a father to me growing up. He had taught me everything from riding a horse to being able to fix his tractors and cars and he was gone.

"Brian said that you were bad people." Tara continued, "But when we got here, I realised that he was lying and that you're not." 

"Did you shoot as us?" I asked and she quickly shook her head.

"No, no. I didn't. I swear." 

I looked at Glenn, who nodded, "Okay. Then we need your help." 

"We need your help to find my wife," Glenn told her, "And Sarah's...her boyfriend." 

Was Daryl my boyfriend? He didn't like to put a label on us but as far as I'm concerned, he may as well be.

I looked over at the side of the road as I spotted a group of walkers heading for us and Glenn came to stand beside me. 

It was either take our anger and grief out on them now or  let it build up and get us killed and I wasn't about to go for the latter.

I pushed the closest one away, grabbing my knife and sticking it into its head and then began attacking the rest of them, ignoring the fact that Tara was staring at the two of us as if we were some sort of monsters. 

I only stopped when Glenn fell to his knees after hitting one of them and rushing to his side, I honestly thought he was dead but after checking, I found his pulse. 

I looked up again as another walker hit the ground beside me, seeing that Tara was hitting it in the head with the butt of her gun.

"Thank you," I whispered, standing up when a truck, an army truck to be exact, came out of seemingly nowhere, stopping just a few feet away and Tara raised the gun, only to lower it again when three people climbed out.

Well shit.

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