Cue Sparks.

"Gallade the Blade Pokémon.
The male evolved form of Kirlia.
When trying to protect someone, it extends its elbows as if they were swords and fights savagely.
Because it can sense what its foe is thinking, its attacks burst out first, fast, and fierce."

Yukiko smiled as she gave Vincent a Mega Stone, and activated her Pendent.

"Now let's us allow our bond to be shown. Mega Evolution!"

Vincent's entire body glowed and burst out looking white, save for his head. Red plates emerge from his arms, its blue head crest grows slightly longer, and the spikes on its head are elongated. He also gains two cape-like protrusions on its back, giving him a knightly appearance.

Shocking Whetton further, Yukiko took a chance. "Vincent, Sacred Sword followed by Night Slash! Pachi, Thunderbolt! Fortunato, Dark Pulse!"

While she took out most of Whetton's men, the ringleader tries to get away, the coward.


Blaise intervenes and halts Whetton as if he was nothing! Even destroying the suit.

"Alright, tell me, what's with that Mist, and what happened to out friends?" Yukiko asked.

"You better not think that you can get away with assaulting the Mayor like this!" Mayor says, desperation now easily coating his voice. "The tax for hitting the Mayor is 90 million berries!" Pachi gave him a small bolt towards him, making him jump nearly a foot in the air.

Sanji takes a smoke. "That Doesn't matter because pirates aren't exactly paying citizens anyway."

"Tell us what happened to our friends!" Chopper snaps. "The mist is gone, so where are they now?!"

But then the Mayor begins to laugh, "There's nothing you can do; they're stuck in Ape's Concert forever and they're never coming back out!"

But as he said that, Pachi pointed to the sky.

The group of people all looked to see the Rainbow Mist appears and a giant whirlwind begins to blow around the island. A tiny object makes itself known and we eventually spy a familiar goat's the Merry!

The Merry flies out of the mist, making a few turns on the wind before it's practically flung out of the wind. It flies well over the buildings until it lands in the ocean with a loud crash. Yukiko and Pachi cringed as the mast fully tips over and Merry's head flies off, floating in the water nearby; how much abuse can that poor ship take?

'We're gonna have to talk about finding a carpenter....' Yukiko thought.

They then turn back to the mist as it seems like the wind has changed directions. Now it feels like the mist is pulling things in.

The Mayor's house is easily pulled up into the mist, leaving tons of collected money floating in the air where the residents made a scramble to get them. The suction even reaches down to where we are and in a matter of moments, the Rainbow Tower is flying into the mist as well, never to be seen again.

Yukiko can't help but think that something is being corrected.....

Then Yukiko and the others turn back to the harbor to be greeted by six figures climbing out of the ocean, all alive and unharmed.

"Nami!" Sanji cheers.

"Luffy-kun!" Yukiko brightens up.

"You guys!" Chopper exclaims.

"Pachi pa!"

They run towards them but skid to a halt as Nami gives Sanji a hard punch to the head. "I'm so annoyed, I could scream!" She growls as she storms away.

"But why, Nami dear?" Sanji whimpers from the ground.

"All the treasure on the ship got blown away." Usopp whispers. "She isn't taking it very well, so I would steer clear for now."

"I see." Yukiko understood.

But then she saw Luffy and runs to him.

"Luffy! You got me so worried! Don't scare us like that again!" Yukiko said before kissing both his cheeks.

"Sorry, but I'm back!" Luffy said as he hugged Yukiko and Pachi.

"Alright pirates, that's far enough!"

" Oh for the love of Arceus…" Yukiko said.

"Marines!" Sanji exclaims.

"And it's the same ones who were chasing us!" Usopp adds.

Mayor leaps at the chance and tries to pin everything on the Strawhats, but this particular Marine captain doesn't seem to care… in fact, it's like he knows what really happened! They all watch in amazement as he and his assisting officers arrest the entire Whetton family for their crimes of piracy that they have been guilty of for fifty years.

Although it all happened in a blur, the Crew was back on the Going Merry, heading for the next adventure.
Alright, now a new question.......

Should I do the Dead End Adventure Movie?
Let me know!

Don't worry, for the Skypiea arc we'll have another Mega Evolution and a certain Legendary involved.

Here's a hint, they will be Electric Type!

And a song I thought would fit Luffy x Yukiko would be Opposites Attract by Paula Abdul.

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