Chapter 18

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The day they all reach Japan

Finally. The moment that I've waited for as long as I can remember.

All of us along with our men were standing right in front of Kaito's main house. We already took down all of his hidden bases. This is the final stop. This is where I get my revenge for myself and Luca. I don't have to worry about him too much since he's safe with Akira.

"This is it Tyler. Our biggest enemy finally gets killed today". Kyle says while staring deeply towards the main house. Sophia and Noah were busy reloading their guns and grenades. There will be no human casualties since all mafia houses are situated far from the main city. The only bloodshed that will happen is right here. Right underneath our shoes.

"Let's fucking do it". I say and signal the men to take their respective positions. Noah gives a call to Ash for unlocking the biometrics.

"Ash, are the locks disabled?" "Yep, good luck guys. Remember that you only have this night. According to the files, Kaito leaves Japan tomorrow so before that finish him off".

Taking a deep breathe, I slowly open the door and we all take our positions. It was awfully quiet. As if someone was expecting our arrival. Soon we could hear heavy footsteps. I recognize them, very well. These were the same footsteps he took when he entered our lives and trampled it. But now this id where he ends.

"Make sure the car reaches on time. I don't want to be late to this meeting, got it!" His rough voice echoed. I heard his guards yell 'yes'. I signaled all of them to aim at his guards and then soon,

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

One by one, all of his guards fell to the earth, dead. Kaito visibly looked shocked, fear in his eyes for the first time.

"Well well Kaito, won't you give us a warm welcome?" I smirk and come out as the others follow. My men surround him with guns directly pointed to his head.

"My my look at you poor thing, this is the first time I'm seeing fear in your eyes. I've been searching for you for so long". Kyle mocked at him while devilishly smiling. Sophia and Noah had satisfactory smirks on their face while me? I was throwing daggers at him through my eyes. My eyes held nothing but hatred and anger.

"You little shit" I grit and harshly grab his hair, causing him to hiss. "My first reason to end you was when you and my sly mother backstabbed my dad and stole his entire wealth, which made him take his own life. But now I have another reason, that is for treating Luca like absolute crap. I'm going to make you pay for everything you've done to me and him".

"What you're gonna do? Gag me? Slice me? Cut me into pieces? Tell me Matthew". He spits at me.

"Even worse". I whisper.

"We'll see Matthew. Don't think I'm so stupid". He smirks and immediately a bullet pierces through my thigh. I wince out in pain as my grip loosens from his hair. But too bad, before he could run, Sophia planted two bullets in his leg, rendering him completely helpless.

"That was such a bad move you rascal, you really thought that a tiny bullet on my thigh could finish me off? Now see what I'm going to do to you. You'll regret breathing the same air as me".

After finishing my sentence, I harshly drag him by his hair and forcefully take him to the dungeon. He was screaming and trying to get rid of my hold. But oh boy, he's gonna enjoy this.

"Tie him up and use those metal chains". I strictly order. The men did as said. The others were busy preparing "things" for what's going to happen.

"You bastard! Leave me this instant! Otherwise I'll make Luca suffer-

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