Chapter 5

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I couldn't sleep. Despite laying down on the most comfortable bed i've ever laid on, the nightmares don't leave me. I'm clutching the blanket tightly as tears stream down my face. It was 2 in the morning right now. I need someone right now. But whom do I go to? I just don't want to be alone.

He wouldn't mind right? I'll just keep my distance from him. As much as I hate the thought of being next to him, I need someone beside me so that I feel safe. And right now it's only me and him in this huge ass house.

Throwing my legs from the bed, I get up and open the door and start walking to Tyler's room. Slowly turning the knob, I see him sleeping comfortably. Thank god, I hope he is a heavy sleeper and doesn't acknowledge my presence. I made myself comfortable on the left side of the bed and pulled the remaining blanket over me.

"Who is it?!" Suddenly he woke up and pointed his gun at me which was kept underneath the pillow. I immediately froze and the sight of the gun in front of me triggered my trauma once again as tears flowed from my eyes.

"Luca? What are you doing at this hour? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He asked, genuinely confused as to what I'm doing in his room.

"P-please don't hurt me...I'll g-go from h-here". I stuttered as I tried to leave the bed but his hand caught my wrist making me sit back in the same position.
"No fuck, I'm sorry, ugh what happened to you?"
His voice actually had some softness to it. It made me feel warm for some reason. He isn't as bad as he portrays himself to be.

"I had a nightmare, I didn't want to be alone so I thought of coming here, I'm sorry..." I softy said while playing with the blanket, not looking at him.
He let out a sigh, "you can sleep here from now on, at least until you're relieved from your nightmares".
I looked at him with my teary eyes. Slowly nodding, I pulled the blanket over me and he switched off the lights. Soon I felt my eyes getting heavy and I dozed off, probably sleeping peacefully after a long time.


I stirred around, trying to adjust to the morning sunlight, when I no not again!! I was sleeping on top of Tyler who had his muscular arms wrapped around me. He was peacefully sleeping, not even bothering about what is happening now!
I tried to get out of his hold but instead he just tightened his grip. Unknowingly I was blushing, his arms do feel good around me, I felt safe and secure.

"Hmm" he hummed in his deep morning voice, I swear I almost moaned at that.
"C-can you remove your arms from me now...." I murmur, I don't think I can survive this for even one second.

"Not my fault you climbed on me at night, I was about to shoot you but then I realized that you have a habit of hugging people in your sleep". He casually says, arms still wrapped around me.
I frown at this words, "oh so you would've shot me if I didn't have this habit? You-
"Asshole or handsome?" He smirked at my flushed face.
"How did you-
"Internet exists you know".

Okay I was getting irritated now, I tried to forcefully remove myself from him but his next action halted my wiggling.
He flipped us, so now I was beneath him and him hovering above me. My eyes widened and he smirked at my reaction.

"You were saying something Mia Cara?" His breath hitting my face.
"Are you learning Italian to talk to me, you do realize I can speak English too?"
"I like to expand my knowledge you know. Maybe you can give me some Italian lessons hmm?" He whispered in my ears. God why am I feeling so giddy!
"Sì Mia Cara?"

God the way he speaks Italian. My stomach is flipping at his voice.
"Fermata per favore..." I requested with my eyes closed. I could feel hot puffs of air on my lips.

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