Chapter 6

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"Akira isn't able to find any more leads on Kaito. It's almost as if he's gone in hiding. I'm afraid if Luca doesn't tell us anything, then our plan will miserably fail". Kyle rubs his forehead in frustration while me and Noah just have a blank expression. Kaito is playing too much right now. All I want to do is to rip his head off with my bare hands.

"But the poor boy is still recovering, we can't force information out of him. Moreover I feel that Kaito traumatized him to the extent that he won't be able to tell us anything". Noah says with disappointment.

"That's not true. It's an opportunity for Luca too to extract revenge on him. Anyone in his place would happily help us in destroying Kaito. He told me that he's ready to help but it truly depends how long he'll take to tell us". I reassure them tho their expressions tell me otherwise. I don't blame them, we have been waiting for almost 2 years and now we're completely stranded.

Suddenly my phone rang, I checked and saw Sophia calling me.
"Hold up guys, Sophia is calling".

"Hey sis what's up?"
"Ty get home fast, someone tried to attack Luca and he's injured. I drove us back and called the doctor so come home fast!". She finishes and cut the call.

Can life be anymore fucked up? Guess not.

"Fuck me I have to go, there was an attack on Luca". Grabbing my belongings, I head for the door.
"Wait Ty we'll also come with you". Noah offered to drive us back. What the hell happened? As far as I know Sophia was with him every second.

Rushing towards my room, I slammed it open and saw Luca peacefully sleeping. The doctor and Sophia were discussing few things when they heard us coming inside.

"We managed to sedate him and treat his wound. He has a bruise on neck, someone tried to choke him and there are multiple cuts on his abdomen, though not very deep but it will leave scars. He had a panic attack as well so once he wakes up, do not bombard him with questions. And Tyler, he was calling out for you so be with him okay? Call me if any other issue is there". The doctor finished and left.

Sophia called us over to the living room. When I took a closer look at her, she seemed shaken up. Kyle immediately took her into his embrace and she relaxed.

"Snowflake what had happened?" He calmly asks her. One thing I appreciate about Kyle is that how caring he is towards my sister. Their relationship started off rocky but now it's stronger than ever.

"Sis what happened?" I ask her. She removes herself from Kyle and starts. "After we were done shopping and eating, he wanted to use the restroom. I was standing outside and waiting for him when I heard a loud scream. I immediately rushed in but it was locked. I called the security and tried to break the locks. After a few more attempts, we broke the door and saw Luca's shirt was ripped and he was crying. When I tried to come near him, he scratched me real bad on my arm". She shows her arm and it was pretty bad.

"Somehow, I managed to calm him down and brought him back to the house. But again he started to scream and shout. It was really messy and...god how could I let this happen I..." she sighed and I instantly hugged her.

"It wasn't your fault Sophia. You did everything you could and Luca is safe now. But right now get your arm treated okay? I'll stay with Luca for the rest of the day". Patting her head, I signaled Kyle to take her. Noah also left to manage the things in the office.

I turned around and went inside the room, closing the door behind me. Removing my blazer and tie and unbuttoning my shirt a little and removing my shoes, I climb on the bed and lay beside him. This is the first time I'm taking a good look, like an actual look at him.

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