Chapter 15

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I felt the familiar cold hard floor. I felt the metal chains on my wrists. I felt them skinning me alive yet I didn't feel any pain. The room was cold, dark, silent and tormenting.
It's been three months since I've gone back to the same state I was. Chained, hungry, beaten, and this time.....touched.

I hate their touches. I hate their filthy hands on me. I hate the way they touch me with their disgusting lips. I hate the way their fingers caress me. I hate the way they force themselves on me. I was a sex slave. I was used. My dignity, my respect everything snatched away from me. And I couldn't even fight back. Because I'm weak. I'm fragile.

Tyler where are you? Please save me. Save me from them. I need you, why aren't you coming for me? I thought I belonged to you. I'm yours, then search for me...please, SAVE ME.

The metal door creaked open, revealing the monster.
"Hello sweetheart, how's my favorite toy doing?" He disgustingly asks. I didn't even have the energy to look up and respond. Suddenly I felt him harshly grabbing my hair and making me look up. I winced because of the sudden pull.

"Didn't I tell you that whenever I'm in front of you, you're supposed to look up and respond?! You fucking whore. Did Matthew screw up all the rules I taught you?" He shouts at me, gripping my hair even more tightly.

"N-No S-Sir I'm S-Sorry..." I managed to get those words out. He smiled a little but still had a tight grip on my hair. "Very good boy, I'm so proud of you baby, But.." he paused. "You no longer satisfy me. Every time I put my hands on you, I can feel that fucker's touch on you. You had the audacity to give yourself to him when you clearly knew the consequences hmm?" He says with disappointment. Oh god what is he gonna do to me? Kill me? Honestly better than living like this now.

"I thought of slicing your throat but it would be waste to kill your beauty. So....I had given your name in the flesh trade". My breath hitched. I was already breathing unevenly. Flesh trade? No no no!!
"Before you go to your new owner, one final customer wants to get satisfied, get up now". He strictly says and walks out of the cell.

I let my tears fall for the nth time. Is this what my life is going to be like? Being constantly used and thrown around. Don't I deserve some happiness? What did I ever do? My thoughts came to a halt when the door opened and few people untied me and picked me up, yeah it's time to satisfy a final customer.


I wanted to escape. I felt so suffocated. I felt dirty. I was tied naked to the bed while this fucker touched me all over my body. My screams of stop didn't affect him one bit. In fact he was enjoying my misery. Roughly thrusting into me, he harshly gripped my hips while snapping his against me.

"Fuck. Fuck baby so tight. Such a good little slut". He grunted.
"Please stop! You're h-hurting me!! STOP PLEASE STOP!!!" I screamed and he put his hand on my mouth, silencing my screams. My muffled voices echoed in the room as I cursed my fate. Suddenly he removed his hand and harshly slapped my face.

"Dumb bitch make some noise. Stop acting like a quivering kitten and sound more like a good slut for me". He spat at my face. I felt pain. No pleasure. Suddenly, he harshly pulled out, making me gasp.

"Pffft disgusting bitch, you ruined my entire rhythm. I didn't enjoy this one bit, gotta tell your boss about you being a brat". He exclaims while wearing his clothes. My eyes widened. No...I'm not ready to get beaten up more. He went out and I was praying for my dear life.

Soon I saw Kaito enter with a stun gun in his hand as he glared at me.
"You stupid whore, you can't even do one job right huh?! Now bear what's coming to you". He says and immediately stuns me on my stomach. I screamed, begged him to stop but instead he kept going until my entire bruised body was filled with more marks.

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