It was now the day before Alyssa's birthday and for them this was the one day a year that they celebrated all their birthdays. And Adrianna had already started to prepare. Chloe walked down into the kitchen seeing things everywhere. Adrianna was moving from place to place prepping everything. "What's going on?"

Adrianna stopped turning towards her she knew that she hadn't been here for one of her mother's birthday so she didn't know how it worked. "It's about to be the one day a year any of us will celebrate the day that we were born."

"On my mom's birthday?" She hadn't thought about what would be the day that they all celebrated their birthdays. She should have guessed they did it on Alyssa's birthday so it could be a happy day for them instead of a sad day.

Adrianna knew that it was the best way to honor her and it reminded them that she wanted them to be happy. "Yes."

"Well at least that makes more sense." She understood why they did and it was a great idea.

"You want to help?" Adrianna knew Chloe knew a thing or two in the kitchen and she had given Maria the time off so she could do it.

Chloe seen things everywhere and she was sure there it was going to be a lot of different type of things. "What are you making?"

"A lot." It was the one time she could get them to celebrate she wanted to make it special and she wanted to make sure they liked it at least a little bit.

"Sure." It sounded like something good to do. And she didn't want her to do everything herself.

The boys walked into the kitchen stopping in their tracks. They were all used to Adrianna over doing it every year. "Oh Jesus Christ."

"Chloe can you take over?" Adrianna wanted this day to go smoothly and that meant that she needed to get all her prep done ahead of time and that she needed them to stay out of her way and let her work in peace.

"yeah."  Chloe walked over to her continuing the prep so Adrianna could properly scold her brothers.

Adrianna walked over to them she had no time for their antics right now. "All of you out."

"Surprised they aren't in here with you." It had become common for Leah, McKenzie, and Lexi to help her cook so she didn't have to do everything alone.

"Out now." She had put them to better tasks knowing that as long as she planned right she would be able to get everything done on time.

They put their hands up in surrender they knew better than to get on her bad side especially when it came to something dealing with their mother. She was definitely a force to be reckoned with. "Fine we mean no harm." They all backed up walking away.

Adrianna growled slightly before walking back over to Chloe sometimes she really could just not stand them. "I hate your brothers."

"You are married to one of them." Chloe reminded she could hate them all she wanted she had fallen in love with Lorenzo and in turn had been dealing with all the brothers for years. If anything she should be used to how they acted.

"Eh." Adrianna shrugged yeah she loved him and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and she did love having them as her brothers when they weren't trying to cause world war 3 at least.

Chloe turned to look at her now that they mentioned it she was slightly surprised that she didn't have the others help them. "So what are Lexi Leah and McKenzie doing?"

"They are helping Jas and Kamiyah decorate." She wanted to make sure that everything was perfect and that meant all hands on deck. It was the one time she could get them to celebrate their birthdays and with all the girls here she wanted it to be special.

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