Kamiyah and Marcello

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Kamiyah was new to the school she had transferred to after getting expelled from her last school. She was 16 and was just ready to get out of school. At this time Jason and Marcello were still in school. Marcello a Junior Jason a senior and Alonzo and Nathan being freshman.

It was her 3rd day at the new school her first period had just ended. She just wanted to hurry and get on with the day. She didn't like the teachers she didn't like the students. And she tried to stay away from a certain bunch of them. "Kamiyah can you stay after class please." She walked over to the teacher as the next class started to file in. "Marcello come here a second."

"What is this about?" Kamiyah asked she didn't want to be near any one of them while going to this school

"This is Marcello Salvatore." The teacher had noticed that she was behind and thought that it would be a good idea if he tutored her. He was one of the only one of her classmates that wasn't going to be scared of her.

She rolled her eyes looking over to the teacher. She wasn't interested in getting tutored especially by him. "I was trying to avoid everyone with the last name Salvatore. It's not personal just survival."

"Well, you can't he is going to be your tutor." She wasn't giving Kamiyah a choice.

"Tutor you got to be kidding me?" She didn't really care about her grades she already knew what she was going to do when she got older. She didn't need one and if she did she didn't want it to be him.

Marcello looked over to his teacher he really didn't want to work with her. "Do I have a choice in the matter?"

"No neither of you do so you might want to get to know each other because you're going to be spending a lot of time together. Due to you starting late you need all the help that you can get."

"Yeah, whatever. I have to get to my next class. Before I'm marked late and then in detention." She turned to walk out of the classroom she didn't want to stay and talk to them any longer. With any luck she would get out of it.


She was sitting at the lunch table by herself her resting bitch face warned everyone to stay away from her. Marcello came and sat at her table which caught everyone's eyes. Which she didn't like because she didn't want the attention easier "You know you don't have to tutor me right."

He didn't want to but if he wanted to continue going the way that he had been he didn't have a choice. Kamiyah strangely reminded him of Adrianna. "All the teachers say otherwise."

"I started late that's why i am behind." She didn't really care about school to much. And she knew her career choice her grades would be better if she had been here since the start like most of the other kids.

"Salvatore Mansion after school." He wasn't giving her a choice if they wanted him to tutor her he would. And it would give him something to do. And his brothers were starting to get a little annoying.

"I'll be there." She didn't want to be but it seemed like she didn't have a choice and she really didn't want to be on any Salvatore's bad side.

He got up walking back over to the table his brothers were at. He didn't talk to girls at the school they all wanted something from him or his family. He found it interesting that he got paired with the only one that didn't.

She sighed she had wanted to ignore them avoid them at all costs and never run into them at all. But as it may be luck was not on her side. And now she had no choice but to be in their presence.

Two girls came over to her table they had been surprised to see Marcello come and sit and talk to her. He never talked to any girls and they wanted to know what made her so special. "How did you get him to talk to you?"

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