Chapter 35

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It was still December 25th and now that they had done presents and everything else it was time for the next tradition. And the boys hated it although it was always funny. As everyone sat on the couch around the tree Cameron looked to Adrianna hoping that it was finally time that he could get out of this. "Since i am no longer the youngest doesn't that mean that one of them have to do it this time."

"Seriously Cameron." Kamiyah asked she couldn't say she was surprised though she knew that he had been doing it for years on end and was probably ready to give it up.

Chloe looked at the others confused she had no idea what he was talking about. And being one of the youngest she didn't like it either. "What is he talking about?"

Aiden smiled at the memory while it was a tradition that none of them liked there mom had started it. So they all dealt with it year after year wanted to continue it in her memory."A Christmas tradition that mom had started."

"Which is?" She was still confused on what exactly the tradition was. And why Cameron didn't Ike it.

Cameron just shook his head he had hated doing it was slowly waiting for Lily to turn 7 so she could start doing it. Even if it was a little mean he was tired of it and was ready to pass it on. "It was never fun being the youngest Salvatore sibling on Christmas."

"Why?" Natalia asked she didn't get what they were talking about or why they seemed to hate it so much.

With the fact that all of them seemed to not like it Chloe wasn't sure that she wanted to know what it was. "I don't think i want to know."

"You do not." The boys knew that she didn't because despite that they hadn't been in Cameron's position for the last decade they still hated the tradition.

Natalia looked at them they could hype it up all they wanted and say that it was horrible but they eventually had to tell them what the tradition was that they were not fond of. "Ok are you guys going to tell us."

Adrianna rolled her eyes chuckling she didn't think that the tradition was that bad. "Christmas Charades and the youngest-"

"No." Chloe didn't even want to hear the rest it sounded like a nightmare and she knew that the youngest was bound for some embarrassment.


"The youngest what?" Natalia still wanted to know what it was that they didn't like.

"Well in fun terms she used to make everyone right down a Christmas song and the youngest would have to do the Christmas carol but if they could guess who wrote what song then they had to help them." And at certain points it was cute when they were younger but as they got older it was more why am i being forced to do this.

"No." Chloe was not doing that she didn't sing she'd leave that to Natalia.

Natalia looked at Chloe it did sound fun but maybe that was because she was still a kid and she did like to sing. "It will be fun."

"I don't sing and I'm not doing charades." Chloe was not into this one she didn't like this idea one bit.

Adrianna shot her a glare she wasn't letting her back out of this it was there family tradition and it was happening whether either of them liked it or not. "You don't have a choice."

"Can Natalia do it?" Technically she was the youngest so she could be the one to do it instead.

Adrianna looked over to Natalia if she wanted to do it she would let her otherwise she was making Chloe do it. "Do you want to do it?"

"Fine." Even if they didn't like it she was going to make sure that it was fun for her at least.

"Everyone pick a song and write it down it's time for Christmas Carol charades." Now this was her favorite part of Christmas it was always fun to see if they could guess who wrote which song.

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