Jasmine and Aiden

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Jasmine was hiding behind a wall someone had been chasing her. She was an assassin she killed people for living. She had grown up that way and it would never change"Come anywhere me and i will shoot you" She heard steps come closer and she turned the corner clocking her gun only to come face to face with a different person. She was confused this was not the guy who had been chasing her. "Who the hell are you? Are you a Snake?"

"I am the Italian Mafia Don."Alessandro saw potential in her and he knew that she would make a great addition. 

"Did you just say Italian?" He nodded as she lowered her gun she knew of the Italian Mafia and how dangerous they were said to be. And she never wanted to be on their bad side. She would much rather take her chances with the snakes. "I thought you were a part of the snake gang. What do you want?"

"Why are they chasing you?" He knew of the snake gang and that they liked to kill people for their own amusement. 

"One of their members tried to rape me and I killed him in self-defense and they've been after me ever since i always manage to lose them but they always find me again." She had to do whatever it took to survive and that was exactly what she did. "It's a fight for survival out here. I do my best killing under the radar." It wasn't easy but no she did kills for money so that she could stay afloat.

"And you're scared?" He had the feeling that she didn't scare easy she had the look in her eyes that said she was not to be messed with. 

She shook her head she wasn't scared of them but she knew that they were going to be chasing her until they finally managed to kill her. And she would rather not spend the rest of her life on the run and killing everyone who came after her.  She wanted a family she wanted a life of her own and the only way she would get that is if she could get away."I can handle myself for the most part but i rather not be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life."

"I can help but it will come at a price." He could tell that she was willing to do anything to get away and he had the perfect proposition for her. And maybe it would help Adrianna to have a friend that isn't a guy in the house. His Mafia was one of the best in the world because he did what he had to in order to keep them trained when he found potential he recruited them offering them something that most could not. 

"Name your price I've been through worse than anything you could throw at me." She had bee through a lot and if someone was offering her help and she knew from the Italian's reputation that his word was something he would never break.

"Come work for me i can provide you with shelter food and protection that no one in their wildest dreams could ever think of." He could provide her a home and make sure that no one could ever get to her again she would be safe.

"There's a but coming right." She could tell that he had more that he wanted to say. There was something else.  

He knew that it would probably be a good idea to tell her what she walking into so she wasn't caught off guard. "I have seven sons 21 19, 17, and 16 twins who are 13 and finally my youngest son who is 11. They are in training themselves to become future leaders of my Mafia. They do not trust easily since their mother disappeared be careful." He knew that his family was going through a lot all his boys had changed and he honestly couldn't blame them for it. They needed to it for themselves so much had gone down. "My Son Lorenzo has a fiance named Adrianna they act a lot like she is newly pregnant."

"Why me?" She needed to know before she agreed to do anything.

"Something tells me you have no problem doing what you have to well neither do i or most of my sons." She knew that she would be a great addition. "It would be nice to always have an Assasin on call."

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