Chapter 34

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Early in the morning on December 25th the family had been working on something special not only for one of the newest memebers but also for everyone to enjoy as a whole. Since it had been a good year they thought what better way than to have Christmas especially big this year. So Adrianna and Jasmine had gotten up early with Maria to start making sure that it was perfect and it certainly looked like someone threw up Christmas everywhere

Adrianna looked around they were finally done and now they could call down the rest of the family. "Should we wake them all up."

Maria looked over to Adrianna knowing that she was the loudest and scariest and that she could get everyone up easily. "Adrianna how about you do the honors."


Soon they the rest of the family started to come downstairs. They all looked around seeing Christmas stuff literally everywhere. "Y'all didn't."

"We did and since it has been a great year for all of us we figured what a better way to celebrate starting with." Adrianna went and grabbed a gift handing it to Lexi. Since it was her birthday they wanted to make sure that she enjoyed the birthday.

"What is this?"

"I was instructed not to tell you Happy birthday." Adrianna knew that Cameron had wanted to made sure that today was still special for her despite the huge holiday her birthday landed on.

"And because it's your birthday." Jasmine got up leaving the room coming back with a cookie cake. Adrianna had made it seeing as she was the best cook in the house besides Maria.  "We're celebrating. Adrianna made the cake i can't cook."

"You weren't supposed to tell her that." Adrianna was perfectly fine with Jasmine taking the credit.

"What was the point of lying?" She wouldn't be able to do it so it wss better to just tell her that Adrianna had done it to begin with

"Touche" She guessed that Jasmine did have a point about it they didn't have to lie and on the off chance if they ever wanted this recreated Jasmine wouldn't be able to do it.

"Thanks." Lexi wasn't used to this type of treatment her parents preferred to act as if she didn't exist or beat her.  And she was happy she wasn't dealing with that anymore.

"Your apart of the family now." And as a member of the Salvatore family you were always going to know you were family.

"We'll eat it after presents." Jasmine knew that they needed to get started so they continue there Salvatore Christmas traditions.

"Now for the next part my favorite part. Of christmas and yes i spent every holiday in this house. Our Christmas surprise isn't complete." Adrianna ran to the front door as the doorbell rang coming back with Naomi who had a duffel. She had invited her to stay for Christmas knowing that all her family was in England. Figured she would like to enjoy a real family Christmas. "She's spending Christmas with us because he family is in England. I thought it would be a nice surprise." And now that they had gone through that part it was time for the Christmas traditions to begin."Jasmine would you like to do the honors."

"Of course." Jasmine smirked she did like these traditions but of course when she had first moved in she didn't quite understand them. "Every single one of you guys are missing something whoever figures it out first will start."

Chloe scoffed now it made sense why her phone hadn't been on her dresser when she woke up. She had just thought that it dropped and planned to sneak and find it after breakfast. "You took my phone i thought i dropped it under the bed."

"That was fast." Adrianna knew that she would notice but she didn't think it would be that fast.

"I'm a teenager my phone is my life of course it was fast." She was happy that she had three different locks on it so that they wouldn't be able to get into it. "I wouldn't have noticed if you wouldn't have said anything. I would have just tore my room apart looking for it."

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