Chapter 8

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Chloe was sitting by the pool sketching she had been their for a week it was still extremely weird. She had never known them before it had always just been her, Natalia, and their aunt Jackie. And now everything was different she had people that cared about her. She had people that would do anything to protect her. That was what she used to do for Natalia.

She felt a presence behind her she knew it was one of her brothers. But she was not sure which one of them it was. "You do know sneaking up on someone is weird right."

Alonzo went and sat next to her. Honestly he had not spent really any time with her at least not compared to what the other brothers had. "I went to see if you were in your room and you weren't in their."

"Why do you care?" She wasn't used to having someone that cared about her. She knew that it was something that was going to be a constant and that she was just going to have to learn to get used to it.

He knew that al of this was weird for her and that it was different. It was the same for all of them and they were trying to make the most out of it. "Your my little sister Chloe i am supposed to care."

She knew that he was right he was supposed to care. And as much as she hated to admit it she already cared about all of them. In the little week she had knew them everything had changed. "I went from being an older sister to Natalie to being a  youngest sister to 7 guys who are at least 4 years older then me and becoming adults. Who have relationships and here i am the little sister the youngest daughter to the most dangerous Mafia king in Europe caring is for the weak." It sounded so weird for her to say but it was true. She had only ever knew of a sister and now she had 7 brothers and a father.

"If caring is for the weak then what do you call the way that you protect Natalia." He seen the way she was with Natalia she would do anything to keep her safe.

She shook her head she knew that because of how much she cared for her little sister one day someone was going to try and use it against her. "I never said that i was strong why do you care now you didn't care a week ago."

"Chloe your my sister some of us were able to grasp you being here sooner than others were." It had taken him the week to grasp the fact that he actually had two little sisters. That it wasn't just him and his brothers anymore.

She looked at him she knew the feeling. Everything was changing. And she was sort of scared of all the changes that were to come. "How do you think i feel? I went from protecting myself and living in a 2 bedroom condo going to summer school to i am living in Italy in a fortress with my brothers and father. How do you think i feel."

He chuckled he knew from experience that the more she closed herself off he more she was going to hurt herself and the others around her. "Closing yourself out is not going to help anyone i learned the hard way how do you think i met Leah."

"So what your saying i get from you." She did recall them saying that she got something from each of her brothers.

He nodded she did get something from all of them and that what made her and Cameron dangerous because so did he. "Your attitude is definitely from our mother your stubbornness you get from me your need to fight from Jason the way your not scared to hurt someone you get that from Lorenzo your coldness definitely comes from Aiden. And your strong you put up a front no matter what you get that from Nathan. And i'm betting your good with computers like Marcello"

She laughed at that last comment she was good at computers but she didn't need them to know that at least not yet. She did notice the one brother that they had not yet mentioned. "What about Cameron?"

Alonzo knew that Chloe and Cameron were basically the same person besides there gender. "He's the same way that would be why you don't get along. You can't be closed off Chloe you need to talk to us."

She knew that he was right but she was still unsure of how this was all supposed to work. She was still knew around here. Everything had changed and since she had left captivity it had just been her and Natalia. And they weren't in danger but everyday she was and she knew that it was not their fault it still kind of hurt though. "What am i supposed to say while y'all were living the life i was going through hell and trying to shield it from my little sister. That i never really had people protecting me. When i could of that i now need to learn to let people in instead of trying to do every single thing by myself. I don't know how to let people in. Its not my strong suit my thing was always handle everything myself."

"But you don't have to do that anymore Chloe." He knew that she wasn't used to having people to protect her but now she did.

"Old habits die hard." It was going to take awhile for her to adjust and she was trying to. "Its not easy to abandon something that you have always done."

"I know that ignoring you the first week was probably not the best idea." He knew that he maybe should not have been ignoring her while she was here probably was not the way to show her that he wanted her to be here.

She understood it being hard for her and knew that everything was changing because she was now here. "I get it I'm new here i am the sister that none of you ever knew about. I am the girl that y'all now have to bend your lives for."

He knew that everything was going to change and that she was the new sister. "That is not true Chloe."

"Then what is?" She just wanted everything to get to a new normal.

"Your the sister that we always wanted but never got." All of them wanted a sister and they had never thought they were going to get one. Especially after their mother had disappeared and then died.


Nathan and Alonzo cornered Lorenzo. They had tried and now they were going to get him to talk to her. He knew they wanted something because they never really worked together for anything, "What do you two want?"

"Talk to her?"They knew he was the most like her.

"What?" He was confused at why they were trying to get him to do.

They had run out of options."Chloe talk to her?"

"Why?" He was confused why they needed him to be the one to talk to her.

"Cause Cameron who acts exactly like her but just an older version won't so we need you to. Because there is a chance that you will get through to her better. She acts a lot like you so if anyone is able to help her it will be you."

"How about give her some space?" He knew this was all knew for her and she needed time to get used to it. And giving her space would do that.

They had tried that it wasn't helping anything."We tried giving her space she doesn't need space."

"She needs someone to understand what she is going through their is no point in asking Cameron he won't do it anyway so we need you too."

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