Chapter 52

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It had been 2 weeks since school had ended and Chloe was still very obviously upset and now she was ignoring everyone. But it was time for Marcello and Kamiyah's wedding so she was trying and failing to be nicer. The thing she was looking forward to the most was the distraction. She had asked could she watch Matteo while they went on her honeymoon knowing not only did she get to spend time with her nephew it was the best distraction she was going to get. 

Naomi and Chloe were getting ready in her room. Naomi had been wanting to ask her how she had been but didn't want to let on that she knew why she had been acting this way. "Are you ok?"

Chloe turned towards her she knew that everyone had been worried about her but she didn't need them to because she was going to be fine. "What?"

"Are you ok?" This was her best friend and she knew she was hurt and she could tell she was going to say anything to her right now. But she just needed to know she was alright. 

Chloe crossed her arms over her chest she didn't want to tell Naomi what was upsetting her. But she also needed to make sure that she wasn't asking for her family and it was actually because she cared. "Are you asking cause you want to know or are you asking for them."

She would leave the family to find out by themselves right now she just wanted to see where her best friend's head was at."I am your best friend and I know that something is wrong I just don't know what."

She would be ok but right now she just didn't want to think about it. "I am fine just because they are acting like i am going to kill all of them does not mean that I am."


"Thank you."


Everyone was in their seats Adriana was the maid of honor with Leah and Jasmine being bridesmaid Lily and Natalia were Flower girls and Chloe was the ringbearer. The music started Jasmine and Aiden walked down first followed by Leah and Alonzo and finally Adriana and Lorenzo walked down last. 

Natalia and Lily walked down throwing flowers on either side of the aisle. Finally, Kamiyah walked down with her dad on her arm. 

"To all present, I say  We are gathered here, not to witness the beginning of what will be, but rather what already is! We do not create this marriage, because we cannot. We can and do, however, celebrate with Marcello and Kamiyah the wondrous and joyful occurrence that has already taken place in their lives, and the commitment they make today.

May you always need one another, not to fill an emptiness, but to help each other know your fullness. May you want one another, but not out of lack. May you embrace one another, but not encircle one another. May you succeed in all important ways with each other, and not fail in the little graces. May you have happiness, and may you find it in making one another happy. May you have love, and may you find it in loving one another."

"Do you Kamiyah, take Marcello to be your lawfully wedded wife, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Do you Marcello, take Kamiyah to be your lawfully wedded wife, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?"

Chloe got up walking over to the two handing each other the opposite ring.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Marcello slid the ring onto Kamiyah's finger.

"With this ring, I thee wed." She slid the ring onto his finger.

"By the power vested in me by the Country of Italy I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."


Marcello and Kamiyah were getting to leave and she did not want to let Matteo go. She knew this was her honeymoon but she didn't want to leave her baby. Adriana Jasmine Lorenzo and Aiden were standing with the two. "So are you two excited?"

"Yeah, but i don't want to leave him." She was excited about the trip but not about having to leave Matteo.

Adriana rolled her eyes she knew she and Jasmine had surely been the same way. But it was time they needed to take. "You don't have a choice it'll be fine and you two need this time for you."

"Who did you ask to babysit while you guys were gone?" Jasmine had thought they would ask one of them but they didn't so they wondered who.

"I didn't." Marcello wasn't sure why Chloe had asked but if she wanted time with her nephew he wasn't going to deny her that. 

Chloe came over with Naomi she knew they were going to have to get going soon. And she was about ready to retire to her room.  "Give 'em. Come on Matteo."

"You have to give him to her." Marcello knew she didn't want to but they were going to have to leave soon 

"Fine." Kamiyah kissed him on the head before handing him over to Chloe. 

"Say bye-bye." Chloe did love her nephew and he was really the only one she wanted to be around. the only one who wouldn't understand what she was going through. "Come on let's go to my room."

Adriana looked at them she hadn't thought there was a chance Chloe would ask especially since it seemed like she was mad at nearly every one. "Chloe asked?"

"Yeah about an hour after she kicked Parker out." Kamiyah thought it was sweet that she wanted to watch him while the two of them were gone. 

"Oh yeah." They never understood why he had gotten kicked out but it wasn't worth asking.

"I saw him earlier where is he?" Jasmine knew he had came because she had remembered seeing him but she wasn't sure where he had gone.

"He was playing with Natalia." Adriana loved his relationship with her and was happy that he had been there for him. And liked him more because he hated Jackie just like she did. 


Chloe walked into her room going to sit on her bed with Matteo.

"They looked so surprised when you grabbed him." Naomi was sure they hadn't known about it she could tell Adriana and Jasmine hadn't known about it.

Chloe nodded adjusting him in her lap as she started to tickle him. She had asked because she needed the distraction and what was a better distraction than watching her nephew while his parents were gone. "They were I asked Kamiyah and Marcello if I could keep him while they were on their honeymoon." She looked down at him starting to talk in a baby voice. "It's a nice distraction. Aren't you little man?" 

"Seriously."  Naomi had to admit it was a cute scene one she could definitely wait on her siblings were all too close in age for her to get a niece or nephew.

"Yes." She didn't care the baby voice was cute.

Naomi cleared her throat crossing her arms over her chest and looking over at them. She still wanted to see if she could get Chloe to tell her about James. "What distraction?"

"Nothing." she refused to talk about it she wanted it to stay between her Parker and Natalia that was it.

"Ok." Naomi went and sat on the bed tickling Matteo. 

Soon there was a knock at the door Naomi got up to go get it letting Parker walk in. They had been looking for the two of them and now they knew why they couldn't find them. "This is where the two of you disappeared to."

"Yup." She wanted away from the party she was happy for her brother but she had to much on her mind.

"And you have the baby." 

"Yes i do."

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