Chapter 26

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Chloe waited for her brother to come out of his room. She had left him alone and now she wanted her answers had her other siblings not told her about the guest she wouldn't be to worried about it now she was curious. "Who is she?"

Jason walked past her heading down stairs knowing that his sister was going to follow him. "Her name is McKenzie." He wasn't stupid he knew one of them were going to push for an interrogation of who she was and why she was here.

"Is that all you can give me." Chloe followed him down the stairs, she knew that there had to be more something had happened for her brother to just decide to bring her here. She just wanted to know what that particular reason was.

"Chloe." Jason scolded he knew that his sister asked a lot of questions something he should have been used to by now. He had seen it happen with their other brothers and should have known that it was going to happen for him too.

"Come on you have to tell me something." She didn't care what it was but she knew that it was something.

"Later." He didn't know if that was even true but he had to tell her something.

"When later?" Chloe knew better than that she knew that she'd be the last to find out which was why she wanted to find out now.

Jason stopped turning towards her he knew that his little sister was nothing if not persistent but he didn't have time for it right now. "Chloe!"

"Yeah i get it i get it you can't tell your little sister what happened or how you met her." She was going to remember this in the near future especially since she was doing something that they definitely didn't like. They would live if they could keep their secrets she could keep hers. "What happened to no secrets?"

"later." He honestly didn't know what he was doing yet he just knew that he wanted to protect her and he didn't want her to end up getting hurt by her dad again.

"Fine i will hold you to that." She was going to make sure she found out the truth one way or another be it by him or by someone else. "But you better tell me."

"I will." He would try to again he did not need to get on her bad side he knew that Alonzo Cameron and Nathan had been and she had gotten her revenge.

"Alright" She could work with that for now. She headed back to the living room where she had left her best friend seeing as she was not particular interested in being left in the house with just her family.

Naomi looked over to her as she sat down Chloe had told her a little of what had been going on. She was curious to see how it was going to play out. "So did he tell you who she was?"

Chloe wished that she did know something but unfortunately he wouldn't but she was going to find out. "No he will not but she is pretty, my brothers don't like telling me anything."

"So did they say went they were going to let you start training." Naomi knew that she was starting her training when her brother came next year and although she wished it was sooner she knew that it was all they could barging for besides the secret sessions that they did when they were younger.

"At the beginning of next year they said i would finally get to start." And even though that was what they said she knew that she would start sooner with or without them. She needed to train and keep up with her skills to keep herself sane.

"Well that'll be fun." Naomi could already tell that Chloe could best most of her brothers she knew that it was going to be fun for them or tragic if she managed to beat all of them.

Adrianna came down with Lorenzo since she had to go to Spain and she wasn't really interested in going by herself and she figured it would be better to get Chloe out the house. So one she wouldn't get into to much trouble and she would leave Jason and McKenzie alone. "Hey you two want to come to spain with us?"

"I thought you guys didn't like me." Naomi knew that her brothers weren't the fondest of her which was fair because of who she was but she was trying to prove that she wasn't up to anything.

"I don't have a problem with you that is them." Adrianna didn't mind her she had been a Mafia princess that the Italians didn't like and now look at her. She was apart of the family and it seemed that the girls were going to be friends for a long while seemed like a good thing for them. "And since you two have basically been inseparable i figured it was easier this way."

"We leave tomorrow morning." Lorenzo knew that his sister probably needed to get away from her school seeing as she had been close to being suspended or worse expelled.

"You care if she sleeps over." Chloe figured that if they were leaving right in the morning that it would probably be better if they both were here instead of picking her up from her house.

"Sure." Adrianna didn't see a problem with that it would make things easier for when they had to get up and go.

"Don't you have to ask your dad?" Naomi didn't want to overstep and seeing how the Italians felt about her family she didn't want to get Chloe into any trouble.

Chloe smirked she knew that it didn't matter Adrianna had already said yes and from what she had learned since she had started living there it didn't matter who said what if Adrianna said something it was happening. Another reason she wasn't worried for Adrianna becoming a Mafia Queen she knew that it was in her and she was going to be a natural. "If Adrianna says yes not one of them will challenge her i'll see you later."

"Alright see you later." Naomi had to get home pack let her brother knew that she wasn't going to be in Italy and was going out of town. Which with what was going on with her brother she probably needed.

Adrianna chuckled lightly she knew that Chloe had a point they didn't dare challenge anything that she said. "She's not wrong i scare you guys."

Naomi stood up looking at them she knew that this was going to be just what she needed to get away from all the drama. "Well I'll be back how long am I packing for. "

"A week we have a few things that we have to do while we are there." She knew that she was going to have to do a few things especially let people know that she wasn't going to be playing games.


Chloe and Naomi were looking out of the window of the Jet. She had done a lot of traveling in the states but traveling out of the country was an entirely different experience for her.

"You two like the view."

"I never been anywhere besides America and Now Italy." She wanted to travel more when she got older see things after her revenge plans finally came along and what not.

"Well you'll like this." Adrianna could say that she did miss Spain but not so much that she was ready to completely leave Italy.

"I travel with my brother but not much else." Naomi didn't even get the opportunity to really travel with him because he was now so busy preparing to take over.


They pulled into the long rode towards the mansion. They all got out of the car heading inside. Chloe and Naomi looked around they could sayt that they loved the design of this place. "This place is amazing."

"This place used to be a prison. I was happy when my parents moved to Italy." Adrianna wasn't the biggest fan of this place she knew that she would have to get used to it again. "There are a few things that we have to do before the official ceremony."

Chloe chuckled she didn't care what they had to do she was just happy to be not be stuck in the house with her other brothers she would much rather it just be her Naomi her and Lily. "Go will be fine I can watch Lily."

"Don't do anything that you two aren't supposed to please." Adrianna knew that Chloe and Naomi together could cause a lot of trouble and until she did the official take over she did not want to hear anything coming from her mother.

"Will try." Now while the two girls couldn't promise it they could try to guarantee that they wouldn't do anything.

"Thank you."


Late update been going through but I will have two try to more updates by next week of this one if not more as always comment before I bring in the boy drama and how it goes with James as her school I have to give Adrianna her rightful position as the Spanish Mafia Queen.

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