Rain Dinners and Crocodile

Start from the beginning

"Oh no, I plan to give him a fate worse than death."

Apparently, he was going to have Mr. 2 use the King's face to declare war by killing the Rebel Army leader.

That would work.......

But as he talked, with Yukiko still hidden with Twilight, she had Sparks record everything.

Remembering that the world used snails, what her crew didn't know was that she planted Rotom cameras around Alabasta, Nanohana and Rainbase that can project the image of recordings.

"Sparks, you know what to do." Yukiko smiled.

"Got it! Bzzt!"

With that, Sparks got to work, and Yukiko managed to steal a transponder snail to call the king and Rebel leader.

Meanwhile, across Alabasta,

The whole country suddenly saw the exchange between Crocodile and Princess Vivi and were flabbergasted.

"What is this?!"


"He's behind everything?! Even the drought?!"

"That means he's the one using the Dance Powder! He's been framing the king!"

Among the people were a revolutionary and a palace soldier.

They both, in shock, got to a transponder snail.

"Boss, it's me. We've been tricked!"

"Your majesty! It's Crocodile! He's behind everything!"

Then the transmission cut off to see Yukiko.

"Listen to me, people of Alabasta. What you just saw is the truth, Crocodile is planning to take over Alabasta by sacking the kingdom! However, one of his men has a devil fruit ability to change his face into anyone he has seen. I want the citizens, rebels and royals to mark an X on their arm to distinguish themselves from Crocodile's gang. Those without an X are members of Baroque Works. They are the real enemy. Don't let them steal Alabasta!"

That got everyone to scramble, and gave the people time to prepare for the upcoming seige that would happen next.
After her broadcast, she saw Crocodile was leaving. She was able to get Minerva to teleport them away.

"Yukiko where were you?!" Usopp shouted.

"Placing the next part of the plan." Yukiko smiled.


Before Crocodile knew it, he found himself attacked by citizens.

"What's this?" He said.

"Get down from there you coward!"

"Attacking your hero?"

"Don't play dumb! We know you're in charge of Baroque Works!"

"Get down here and fight!" The citizens yelled.

Crocodile gained a look on his face.

Someone blew his cover?! How?!

Growling, he had to put plans into action.

He was about to mummifiy the people when he was body slammed.

"What is that?!"

"It looks like......"

"The Djinn of Rain?!"

Thundurus appeared in a wrathful glory striking down Crocodile's sand into stone.

Crocodile gritted his teeth as he got word that both the Royal Army and Rebels redirected their anger on Baroque Works. Even the citizens are joining in!

He had no time for this! He still hadn't found it yet.

He left in a duststorm.

"Wait, you broadcasted the whole thing for Alabasta to watch?!" Nami said.

"Yeah, I had a small chat with Vivi for it actually."

"Yes, I'd let myself get captured, and get Crocodile to talk." Vivi nodded, happy her people now know what's going on. "But now we have to hurry."

"I would focus more on Crocodile. I already left some protection for the rest of Alabasta." Yukiko smiled. "Luffy, you said you still want to beat up Crocodile? Thundurus, Pachi and I are coming with you." She said as Pachi nodded.

"Yosh! Let's follow after Crocodile!"

"Minerva, you help the others. Let's get to Alaburna."

"What about Nanohana?"

"No need to worry. I also left a little protection for them." Yukiko smiled.


Above Nanohana there were three figures.

All of them looked like Djinns. A green male, a orange male, and a pink female.

Seeing the phony Army was arriving, they flew to intervene.
"Tashigi, forget about the Strawhats for now, we have Baroque Works to deal with."
Yeah, I decided to create a little twist to this arc.

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