shameless plug

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Go check out my newest story about Davina Addams. Description below

Yes; it is a mafia story.

No; it is not tied to either of my other stories Being Saved or the Mafia Triplets (these two are crossover stories). It is a stand alone book.

Secrets Know No Bounds

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Secrets Know No Bounds

Her life is full of secrets, lies, and death.

Davina specializes in the art of deception when she isn't killing her way through life.

As a new and upcoming Donna, she reins with a heavy fist, disposing of anyone who dares to cross her. She's ruthless and unforgiving; something she learned at a young age was to never trust even the closest around you because, in the end, you will always be disappointed. However, a few select people have wormed their way into her heart, and they are the only ones she trusts. She'd kill for them and die for them, and they, her.

Davina grew up with an absentee mother, having to learn how to traverse the world at too young an age. She learned to steal, fight, and kill before most kids learned how to ride a bike. Though, she was never deterred by the hell life threw at her, and she didn't stop there.

She learned to lie and to deceive so that no one could ask too many questions about how she lived. Moreover, her cold demeanor didn't exactly provide the warmest welcome, just the way she wanted it.

Instead, she learned how to survive.


After the death of her mother, Davina, much to her vexation, learned that she wasn't the only child her pill-popping mother had. Not in the least.

But how will she and her family react when they realize they each run opposing Mafias?

Secrets Know No Bounds is a tale of heartache, reconnection, and finding love in one of the most unexpected ways.

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