Chapter 11 - A Rainy Day

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Michele's POV

After finishing the last bite of cereal, I stand and walk over the sink to rinse my bowl.

"I've got it," Katerina says as she hops off the counter, landing with a wince. I watch as she turns back to glance at it behind her and finally realizes its height as she glares at it for a short moment before walking up to me. "Y'all can go ahead and get dressed. This will give me something to do," she says, looking up at me.

Is she already trying to get rid of us? Or is she just mad that we have to leave? Maybe she's still mad about yesterday...

Sighing, I watch as she opens the dishwasher and begins to unload the contents of the sink into it.

"Are you going to get ready, too?" I ask, raising a brow. I mean, she is still in her pajamas, and I'd rather my guys not be ogling my little sister if they come inside. Just thinking this, I'm hit with a wave of rage, thinking about anyone hurting her or disrespecting her ever again in any way.

"Get ready to do what?" She scoffs, turning back to look at me. "It's not like I'm going anywhere, besides I have all day to decide what I want to wear. You, on the other hand," she says, taking my bowl, "have somewhere to be going in half an hour." "Now go," she orders, turning back to the sink, "I've got this."

Glancing down at my watch, I finally noticed the time. Realizing that she's right, I signal the others to hurry up as well. "Thank you," I mumble as I kiss the side of her head before walking to the door. Before I can get there, Anthony grabs my arm as I pass the counter.

"I need to talk to you," he whispers.

Glancing up, I watch the others getting up from the barstools and taking their bowls to the sink as well. But I also notice Katerina watching our exchange with curious eyes before quickly turning away and talking to Elijah.

"Non adesso," I mumble as I walk out of the room and head to my room to get dressed. Once I get in my room, I take a quick shower and then put on a black suit. After I finish getting dressed, I grab my coat and begin to make my way back downstairs to wait for the others.
(Not here.)

"Michele," someone calls right as I reach the stairs.

Turning around, I see Anthony walking my way, so I stop and wait for him to catch up, assuming that he wants to talk now. And I'm right. As soon as he steps up beside me, he begins to talk.

"Do you think that she'll be alright here alone?" he asks. "I mean, she did just get here and now all of us are leaving her alone on her first day back. Do..." he says hesitantly as Lorenzo, Christiano, and Santiago join us at the top of the stairs. "Do you think that she'll feel like we're ditching her? That maybe we don't want to spend time with her?"

Shit. I didn't even think of that. But I can't just back out of this deal. It's too important, and this goes way beyond what I want. Even if I would rather spend the day with Katerina, I can't afford to piss this guy off.

"I know exactly what you mean, but we have to be there to oversee this buy," I groan. "You know as well as I do that the next couple of months are going to be crucial for the business if we want this contract to go through. Besides, the only reason that he has agreed to this trial partnership with us is because of Dad."

"Yeah, I know but..."

"Look," I snapped. "We don't have a choice. You know as well as I do that this man is too important to get on his bad side."

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