Chapter 22 - Trouble Magnet

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Katerina's POV

Two days.

It's been two days, and I think that the majority of my teachers are finally giving up on trying to make me participate in class since I refuse to answer them in English. Also, I have already had one teacher call me in, telling me that I will be swapping to AP Calculus, which happens to be a class with Lorenzo and the Kingsley triplets. Yay me.

Also, another teacher got mad at me for not doing my class work when he caught me reading a book. However, his face turned pretty red when I told him that his assignments should be given to fourth graders, since I had already finished the next two weeks' worth of assignments between Monday and Wednesday. Although, I don't think he understood me the first time since no one around here seems to speak Russian except for Rosalinda, one of the cooks at the mansion that I met on my first day. Although, he definitely understood me when I handed him my finished pile of work.

Furthermore, two days is all it took for me to successfully piss off my English teacher, resulting in a parent teacher conference.

Although, even though I was technically in trouble, I still managed to worm my way out of the situation and come out on top.


"Katerina DiNozzo, please report to the principal's office," the intercom system sounded throughout the classroom. Great.

I slowly stand, gathering my things before stuffing them into my bag. I give a quick glance to the twins, seeing them sending me knowing looks because, let's be honest, this office visit was inevitable.

Walking out of the room, I let the door bang shut behind me and begin wandering the halls, attempting to find the office on my own. Two wrong turns later, I finally rounded a corner, entering the main hall that houses the counselor, principal, and other administrative offices.

The secretary sees me coming and before I can say anything, she motions to the principal's office as she shakes her head at me. I quickly knock on Principal Evans' door and turn the knob, walking into the room after hearing a loud "Come in."


My step falters slightly when I see Michele and Anthony waiting in the principal's office with a red-faced teacher, who has been nothing short of annoying since I arrived.

"Привет," I say, walking into the room, coming to a stop between the chairs that my brothers currently occupy.

"See what I mean?" Professor Montgomery asks in exasperation, gesturing to me dramatically as he also sighs in annoyance.

Woah, who peed in your cornflakes, Monty?

Oh right. I think, trying to hide my smirk. That would've been me.

"Yeah, I think I got it," the principal sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, rolling his eyes as he spins his chair away from Professor Montgomery.

"This is completely inexcusable behavior, and she is being disrespectful towards me and her peers," Montgomery complains, gesturing towards me.

This conversation went on and on, although I was having a blast watching his face become redder and redder when I continued to answer in Russian. Also, what made it even better was when Montgomery lost the battle to my brothers' minutes into the argument as they easily defended me and undermined him, but this didn't stop him from complaining more.

Montgomery's complaints continued on for about an hour, although by the time he was five minutes into his rant, he was only talking to himself since no one else was even listening to him.

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