Chapter 12 - Something Shady

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Katerina's POV

Prying my eyes open, I see that it's gonna be another rainy day as the rain continues to pour down from the heavens as if Poseidon opened the floodgates.

I pull a pillow over my head with a groan, trying to block out the sound of thunder, and notice after a moment that someone moved me off the couch and put me in my bed. Rolling over, I feel my leg hit something and quickly remove the pillow from my face to see that both Jethro and King are lying on my bed with me.

Sitting up, I begin to pet the dogs as they move closer to my side as I snuggle with them for a few minutes, taking in their warmth before grabbing my phone off of the nightstand and checking the time to see that it is 5 AM.

With a sigh, I stand up and make my way over to the window, knowing that I won't be able to go back to sleep as my mind begins to race. As I gaze out at the dark sky, I become mesmerized by the rain as I sit on my window seat for a few minutes, watching as the raindrops race each other down on the windowpane. After a few minutes, I finally got up to take a shower, trying to stop my racing mind.

Although I can't help but reminisce about some of my favorite memories that seem like a lifetime ago. The rain mostly just reminds me of Russia and how I used to love dancing in the rain when I was alone with Dimitri, pretending that no one could see me. Even though I always knew in the back of my mind that all the guards could see just how crazy I truly was as I danced in the freezing rain, I never cared. I never let it stop me, not for anything.

I loved the feeling of being free, of finally being able to let loose and let all of my emotions free when dancing to a song in the rain at night. Splashing. Twirling. Spinning, singing, screaming, crying... letting everything out and never holding back.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not really a dancer, I just do it because I love the way that it makes me feel. The same goes for when I sing. I loved being able to sing and dance in the rain at D's house because he lived in such a secluded area that there was no way for anyone unknown to us to be around and see me with my guard down. I just had to ignore the stares of the guards, but they never made another comment about it once I shoved a gun in one of their faces and pulled the trigger. Their laughter, jokes, and judgment of me stopped really fast as they quickly learned to shut the fuck up around me and to learn their place.

Although, having been one of the best fighters in the compound might have helped with some of that, along with being best friends with the capo's son and him practically being my uncle.

Sighing, I finally stand up and walk into the bathroom to turn on the shower to let the water warm up before I get in. After carefully undressing, I step into the shower, letting my mind clear and trying to accept my new lease on life. From having to move to leaving my only friend... my honorary brother and my uncle, having to move halfway around the world whilst leaving the only place I have ever truly known.

Sure, I've traveled for missions before, but I never got to stray far from the task at hand. It was always an in-and-out job. Arrive, infiltrate, extract, torture, kill, leave. All the while trying not to die. Nothing more, nothing less. No exceptions.

I left Russia. I left the place where almost all of my memories were made. The good memories that I will always carry with me,... but also the bad...
I moved to California. To be with my brothers. To start a new life. A new life away from the place that harbored my painful existence.

The decision to move. A quick decision that I had absolutely no say in. Another life-changing decision was made without my opinion being asked. Even if the decision was made because of a wonderful... oops, I mean a tragic, life-altering accident. A decision that I hope that I don't regret in time.

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