Chapter 9 - Nightmares

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Unless specifically mentioned as a nightmare/dream/flashback italicized words will typically indicate thoughts

Trigger Warning:
abuse scene of a minor

Katerina's POV

"Please stop," I beg, as tears stream down my cheeks.

"Oh, come on darlin', you never want to have any fun with me," Ivan slurs as he makes his way towards me once again while finishing off another beer.

"Please, I- I don't want..." I trail off, not able to finish my pathetic attempt at reasoning with the drunken man as he slaps me again across the face.

I fall into the wall and grasp at it for support, willing the stars away and the floor to steady once more.

Grasping my jaw tight enough to leave a bruise, he forces me to face him while he reaches into his back pocket.

"I have a surprise for you," he says as he pulls out his pocket knife, flips open the blade and lets it glint in the light.

"I- I... please just..." I choke out between my sobs.

"Nobody wants a useless, crying bitch as a daughter," he says as he trailed the knife down my cheek.

As he presses the knife deeper into my skin, I feel the trickling blood mingle with my tears as it drips off my chin as he continues his latest speech. "How many times have I fucking told you to get your shit together and grow a pair? I mean, for fuck's sake, stop sniveling like a little bitch already." As he continues his monologue that is falling on deaf ears, he begins to trail the tip of the knife across my jaw, trailing the blade lower and lower.

"Crying is for the weak," he says, resting the knife on my neck.

As panic starts to take over my body entirely, I finally look up and am met with his bloodshot eyes.

He wouldn't, would he?

My heart starts racing, my ears begin to pound, and now his speech is actually falling on deaf ears as my increasing panic begins to send me into the depths of my mind. But the one thing that wakes me up is when I hear him say, "... ending it all for you? Would you like my help with that?"

He would.

Snapping out of my head, I snake my knee up as hard as I can and hit him where the sun doesn't shine, and I try my damndest to make it out alive.

Running as fast as I can, I work my way up the stairs as fast as my shaking legs will take me as my vision continues to fade in and out.

"I said to get back here, you little bitch!" Ivan booms from behind me as he tries to get back on his feet.

Halfway up the stairs,

It's a game for him. I know it is. He could have caught me sooner if he wanted to, but where's the fun in that, right?

Isn't the hunt the best part?

On the second-floor landing

Like a predator stalking its helpless prey.
A lion and a gazelle
A wolf and a rabbit
A cat and a mouse
Or in this case, a deranged alcoholic with a knife and a stepdaughter.

Stumbling into the bedroom.

But because I already see myself as that, he has already won.
The helpless prey, who is losing all hope of ever being saved.

Being SavedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora