Chapter 21 - First Day Blues

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Katerina's POV

Speeding down the road, I glance in my side mirror, seeing Lorenzo's car behind me as he and the twins follow behind me on the way to school. But little do they know, I have absolutely no intention of us arriving at the school at the same time. With this thought in mind, I rev the engine as I begin to weave through the lanes on the freeway, passing dozens of cars before I finally slow down enough and turn off. I then glance behind me again and smirk when my brother's car is nowhere in sight.

Several minutes later, I pulled into the parking lot at the school's campus. I slowly begin to circle the full lot, only contemplating parking on the sidewalk a few times as I look for a place to park. Taking in all the surrounding cars, I groan. Just as I thought. Almost every single one looks expensive.

Sighing, I already begin to dread what's to come, but I still hope that I might find a tolerable friend in this sea of stuck-up, rich assholes. Then again, they can't all be bad.

'Or maybe they are,' I think, spotting what looks to be the real-life version of The Plastics as they lean against some jocks' Lambo while shamelessly being felt up by his group of friends.

I grimace at the sight, trying to keep my breakfast down. Wishing that I could have stayed in bed, I finally found an open spot by the sidewalk. However, much to my annoyance, in the spot stands a group of five boys arguing. Rolling my eyes, I rev my engine, gaining their attention.

I might be a slightly impatient person.

They then stare for the longest damn time before finally moving out of the spot after I rev again as they move to stare from the sidewalk directly in front of the spot.

Okay, so maybe I'm a really impatient person. What can you do? *shoulder shrug*

Pushing my kickstand down, I turn off my bike and take the key out before I finally glance around. I roll my eyes as I see almost everyone in the parking lot staring. But then again, who wouldn't stare at the impatient biker who was revving their bike, let alone someone riding the only motorcycle in the lot?

I sigh again, wishing that I could be anywhere else. I glance around once more, only to notice that my brothers have joined the group of boys in front of me as they continue to converse and steal looks at me.

I finally step off my bike, removing my gloves before stuffing my keys in my pocket. Removing my helmet, I shake out my long red hair before putting the helmet away, ignoring a few wolf whistles as I unzip my leather jacket.

I spare a glance at the eight boys before I head to the double doors, only to see that they are all staring at me. At first, I raise a questioning brow at the group as they stare before recognizing Sebastian among the group as he and the original older three guys blatantly check me out, whereas the youngest in the group blushes slightly when I meet his gaze momentarily.

I chuckle to myself before heading towards their group. Smirking, I walk directly through their group before saying to the original group of five, "Сфотографируй. Это продлится дольше." But before I can walk away, I feel someone grab my arm. Turning quickly, I grab their hand and put pressure on their nerve, pinching it. Glancing up, I see Sebastiano as he grimaces from the slight pain in his hand.
(Take a picture. It'll last longer)

"Когда ты научишься не трогать?" I ask, shaking my head in mock disapproval before I release his hand.
(When will you learn not to touch?)

He groans, throwing his head back in annoyance before saying, "Come on, not this again."

"Don't even bother trying, man," Santiago buts in. "I think she wants to see how many people she can piss off with this crap today." He rolls his eyes, sending me a small smirk as he catches my eye. 

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