Chapter 6 - Unwanted Questions

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Lorenzo's POV

'What the hell just happened?' I ask myself as I pace around the room.

"Santiago, why'd you say that to her?" Anthony asks in disbelief.

"It's her fault mom left," he snaps.

"Come on, man, she was two. It's not like she could control what our parents did," Christiano says.

"Mom took her. She left us! For her! And all Katerina did was complain about her!" Santiago rages.

"She's probably just in shock or something," Michele says as he runs his hands through his hair.

"Her parents just died," Anthony says. "And then she had to move halfway around the world to live with a family that she's never met before."

"So that gives her the right to disrespect her mother? Our mother?" Santiago asks.

"That bitch was never a mother to us," Michele mumbles under his breath.

"Santiago, just let up, will you? Give the girl a break," Christiano responds with a sigh.

"Lorenzo, you good? You haven't said anything," Anthony asks with a concerned look.

"Did you see her face?" I ask as I stop pacing and stand in front of my brothers.

"What are you talking about?" Santiago asks.

"Really? No one else noticed her reaction?" I ask in disbelief.

"I was hoping that I imagined it," Christiano mumbled.

"Same here," Anthony added.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Michele and Santiago asked.

Looking up, I meet Michele's eye. "Think," I say. "When you grabbed her arm, what did she do?"

I watch as he runs his hands through his hair, tugging at the strands slightly before paling. Turning back to face me, I notice his clenched jaw. After a long moment, he hesitantly says, "Crap, did she..."

"Flinch?" I finish, looking down for a moment. I take a deep breath before continuing, "Yeah, Mike; she did."

"When you pushed her, what was her reaction?" I ask, turning to look at Santiago.

"Did she think that I would..." he trails off in a shaky voice.

"I think so," I sigh. "She looked terrified."

"Geez, I was really hoping that I imagined it," Christiano frowned.

"Me too brother, me too," I say, dragging my hand down my face.

"Wait, did you see the way that she clutched her shoulder?" Anthony asks.

"It was an accident!" Santiago yells defensively. "I didn't even push her that hard."

"Exactly," Anthony notes.

In turn, he only receives confused looks for a long moment before their eyes widen in realization.

"You don't think that she..." Michele trails while running his hands down his face in frustration.

"That she was already hurt?" Anthony finishes with a sigh. "Yeah, I do."

"Who?" Michele demands, fisting his hands. "Who the hell would dare touch her?!"

"Well, there's one way to find out," I say as I make my way to the kitchen freezer.

"How's that?" They ask when I come back.

"We let her know that she can trust us," I say as I make for the stairs.

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