Chapter 20 - Junior Year Here I Come

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Katerina's POV

"Angel, it's time to wake up," Michele says for the fifth time as he continues to try to wake me up.

Groaning, I roll over, pulling a pillow over my head in the process as I continue to ignore his attempts at waking me.

"Angel," he calls again, removing the pillow from my head, and tossing it beside me on the bed. With a loud sigh, I glance at my brother, seeing that his hair is wet from his shower. When he sees me looking, he grins evilly before shaking his head, peppering me with water.

"Hey," I gasp as the cold water hits my face and arms before I pull the blankets over my head, trying to block out Michele's voice and the light.

"You can't be late for your first day at a new school," he sternly says, ripping the comforter off my body, and exposing my body to the chilly air in the room.

"Отвали," I groaned, throwing a pillow at his face. I laugh as it hits him square in the face before it is thrown back at me, while Michele glares playfully at me.
(Fuck off.)

Laughing, I hop out of his bed, dodging another pillow as I make for the door.

However, I am stopped from making my escape as Michele wraps one arm around my waist while the other tickles my side for a moment before he releases me. As we both laugh, he finally pushes me towards the door after a minute so that we can both get ready for our days.

Still laughing, I walk down the hall and open my door, closing and locking it in the process. I quickly walk into the bathroom, turn on the water to heat up, and undress.

I sigh in utter bliss as the hot water hits my back, and knowing that I still have a while before I have to be ready to leave, I spend an extra ten minutes under the hot stream.

Hopping out of the shower, I wrap a towel around myself before walking into my closet to slip on a matching black set of underwear. After that, I send a quick text to Anthony about checking my wounds since he and Michele are still asking to see them because I quote, 'Bambina/angel, we worry about you, and we just want to ensure that you are healthy and healing properly'. It's been a few weeks since I got here, and at this point, the majority of my injuries have completely healed. Although, I still have the stitches in my arm from when Sebastian cut me. Unfortunately, Anthony has had to re-stitch my thigh a few times because I would sometimes spend an excessive amount of time in the gym, trying to release my stress. After the third time that happened, Michele and Anthony banned me from using the gym, but me being me, I ignored them and continued to go, only to reopen my stitches once again. Needless to say, they were pissed. After that, they changed the guard rotation so that there were always a few in the house for 'security'; however, I know it was because they told all the guards not to let me enter the gym for the time being. I'm still pissed that they did that. I know that they are only trying to help, but it's been a rough week since I haven't been able to release my stress by running. Instead, I've been lazing about and pulling a few pranks on my unsuspecting brothers. They were all in good fun, though; well, at least for me.

I sigh, shaking my head as I hear a knock on my door. I quickly throw on an oversized tee that I kidnapped from Michele's closet before I open the door, revealing my two oldest brothers. Turning on my heel, I wordlessly walked to my bathroom after having towel-dried my hair. I hang the towel on its rack before jumping up to sit on the counter. Anthony quickly gets to work, checking over my bruises and scabs as he continues to make angry faces when he sees some, even though they have both seen all of my injuries countless times over the last few weeks. He continues by putting cream on some of the worst ones on my back in an attempt to heal the old scars before he inspects my stitches.

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