Chapter 35 || The Meadow

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Trigger Warning:


Katerina's POV

Slipping out the kitchen's double doors, I pad quietly along the patio. Walking along the wall, I hug the shadows as I avoid the light sensors in an attempt to slip into the hedges along the garden undetected by the observant eyes that patrol the area around and within the mansion for any potential dangers. Although, I know that I have failed miserably at this simple feat alone when I hear the crunch of gravel as someone approaches me from behind. Then again, at least the guards aren't blind, incompetent fools who have no regard for our safety if they were to become lax about patrolling the surrounding area.

Moreover, they too know that it would be their head on the chopping block if they were to put my family in danger because of their incompetence.

A life for a life.

My plan to slip away undetected is instantly crushed as I step off the patio towards the winding maze, only to have a set of flashlights shone at me, casting an eerie shadow of myself along the path before me.

"Boss lady, what are you doing out here so late?" someone asks, and I instantly recognize the man's voice as Nathan, my favorite night guard, who doesn't hassle me whenever he catches me outside in the middle of the night. Moreover, this has somewhat become a constant routine for the two of us over the past few weeks when I come outside to stargaze.

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to see if the sky had anything to tell me," I reply, turning to face him and a tall woman whom I do not recognize.

"Miss, you need to get your ass back inside," the woman hisses, narrowing her eyes at me. I scrunched my brows at her tone. This bitch doesn't know who the fuck she's talking to. I scowl at the woman, shifting my gaze to Nathan to see that he too is watching his partner through narrowed eyes; his lips are set into a thin line. I notice his jaw slightly ticking as he processes her words. Awe, I think I made an impression on him.

Either that, or he knows he along with any other guard would be dead within an hour if I tattled to Michele if they were to wrong me in any way. Though, I'm going to assume it's just my amazing personal skills that won him over.

"I'll handle her," Nathan assured, sending the woman a dangerous look. "Have a nice night, boss lady," he bids, sending me a tight smile as his jaw continues to tick.

He grasps the woman's arm, urging her away before she says, "You have got to be shitting me. We don't take orders from this little trollop. Who do you think you are?" She snaps, sending me a glare. She doesn't know when to quit.

"That's enough, Terin," Nathan commands, roughly yanking her arm while forcing her further away from me as he places himself in between us. Her eyes widen in fear at the icy glare he sends her. If only she knew that that's how she should look at me.

A small malicious smirk creeps onto my face at the thought of what I could, no, what I want to do to her.

Honestly, it's been way the hell too long since I have been able to properly torture someone. Even the slightest remark from her has my fingers itching to slash her throat with my dagger. I'd revel in the feeling of her blood dripping down my arm, and I'd watch as she'd fall to the ground, gasping in her dying breaths before—

The thought alone tempts me further; alas, I refrain, not wanting to expose myself just yet.

"Fuck off, Karen," I grumble, glancing back at Nathan, only to see a small amused smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. I turn on my heel, walking towards the arches that lead to the dark garden.

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