Chapter 10 - Caffeine Addict

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Katerina's POV

I scrunch my nose in distaste, attempting to block out the sound of my brothers' voices as they bicker; instead, I attempt to fall back to sleep as I pull a pillow over my head, but that doesn't seem like that in the cards for me today.

"Come on, man, help a brother out here," Lorenzo whispers.

"Nah, I think that I'll just leave you stuck here," Santiago chuckles.

"We're gonna be late," Lorenzo snaps back.

"Mmmm," I groan.

"See what you did? You woke her up," Lorenzo grumbles.

"Me?!" Santiago asks indignantly. "Whatever. Princess, come on. It's time to get up, anyway."

"What time is it?" I mumble.

"A little after six, I think."

"Nooo," I groan, snuggling deeper into my pillow. "It's too early. Leave me be."

"Come on, mini. We have stuff that we've got to do today."

"No, you have stuff that you've got to do today, not me," I grumble. "Now go away."

"I don't think that she's a morning person," Lorenzo laughs, causing a rumbling in my ear.

Wait pillows don't move, and they certainly don't rumble.

Pulling the pillow off my head, I pry one eye open, glancing up to see that my pillow is actuallyLorenzo's chest. Oops.

"Mini, can I get up?" He asks, looking at me with raised brows.

"No," I grumble, tightening my hold so that he can't leave as I try to fall back asleep. When he attempts to pull my arms away, I huff, placing my pillow over his head. "Sleep," I command, dropping my hand atop the pillow as I lazily hold it in place.

He yanks the pillow away, presumably sending me a scowl. Although, I can't be completely sure, since I didn't bother to reopen my eyes. I hear the others laugh while Lorenzo grumbles under his breath. I guess he didn't appreciate being smothered.

"Come here little sis, I'll take you," Santiago offers, helping Lorenzo free himself from my hold and pulling me into a warm hug.

A hug that I completely melt into, sinking back into the beautiful world of sleep.

"Do you think that she's gonna sleep all day?" Christiano wonders.

Wait, Christiano?

Once again, I begrudgingly pry an eye open again to see that Christiano has indeed joined us, but I give him no more than a second of appraisal as I close my eyes again, trying to sink back into the warm and welcoming embrace that sleep offers.

As I begin to drift off again, I hear a knocking on the door along with a quiet, "Bambina, are you up yet?"

"No," I whine at the same time that Christiano goes to open the broken door, revealing Anthony and Michele behind it waiting in the hall.

Guess I'm gonna have to ask for a new one soon. Unless I want to have a peephole to see who's knocking without having to open the door. However since they would be able to see me looking out at them, that option seems a bit too... conspicuous.

"Are you guys having a party or something?" Michele asks, slightly bemused, taking in the crowded room.

What is wrong with these people? It's too early to function properly.

"Leave me alone already. I'm trying to sleep," I grumble, pulling a pillow over my head when the others begin to laugh.

Coffee. I need coffee.

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