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I pulled Donna closer and connected our lips, smiling when she giggled, and everyone cheered. 'Married her twice.'

After the ceremony ended, everyone was excused to change into swimwear if they wanted. I waited for Donna at the water's edge, happily sighing at the feeling of the waves hitting my ankles. 'The last time I was on a beach, we were ending a war,' My gaze shifted to Isa as they, Hunter, and the triplets encouraged Costin to enter the water. A smile spread across my face when he touched the water and whined, reminding me of when Isa first felt the ocean.

'His body must run hot like theirs does,' I walked over and offered him my hand, smiling wider when he clung to it as if his life depended on it. Costin slowly followed me into the water, whining about it being cold until Isa was able to take him, their veins glowing once he was in their arms. 'The same trick Zag used on them,' I smiled and turned around when I heard footsteps, freezing when I saw Donna. '...Gods...'

My feet slowly carried me toward her, my eyes scanning her body in shock and awe. 'I know I've seen her naked before, but she looks so shy right now,' I cupped her cheeks before connecting our lips in a tender kiss. 'I love how shy she gets! Donna's so adorable!' Giggles from behind me made us separate, causing me to glance back and notice Isa whispering something to the triplets.

"Please tell me you didn't tell them what I just thought," I groaned at my twin.

"Well, not all of it," Isa smirked, letting me know they only told the second half.

"You're a menace."

"How dare you."

"How dare I tell the truth?!"

Isa huffed and glanced away. "And to think I was going to tell you all my secret now if you wanted me to."

I perked up and pulled Donna closer to the group, glancing back at the others in attendance. "Even them?"

"Nah," They shook their head. "It's still your day, but I know how much you hate when I keep things from you. And these four have been eager to know the answer to a question they've asked for a while."

Donna tilted her head and leaned into me, motioning to Isa. "You have the floor."

Isa took a deep breath before handing Costin to Hunter and kissing his forehead. "Little Prince, do you remember what you asked me for on your birthday?"

"Want to be... Big br-brother!" Costin nodded, making Hunter smile.

"Exactly," They whispered before looking up at Hunter. "And do you remember what the triplets wanted for our anniversary?"

"To talk about us having another kid," Hunter nodded and glanced at the triplets. "But you said you weren't sure if you were ready to go through that again, so they dropped the subject."

"I think it's time I told them why," Isa admitted before facing the triplets. "Do you three remember how we celebrated her birthday?"

"Yeah," The triplets muttered with smiles. "Why?"

"And how we did something similar for your birthday?"

The triplets purred and nodded. "We do."

Isa cleared their throat and wrung their hands, letting me see how badly they were shaking. "Well..."

I placed a hand on Isa's shoulder, watching the green light wash over them and stop their trembling. "It's okay, everything's okay, Isa."

The Magic of the Moon  [Fem!reader x Donna Beneviento] [COMPLETE]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant