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"Don't do that."

"That explains everything," Donna giggled before there was a knock at the door.

"It's unlocked!" I called, cringing when Leo began squirming. "No, no, I'm sorry, baby. Stay asleep."

"Where are my grandbabies?" My Mother sighed while walking in, making her way to Donna. "There's my little Nerina. I see she woke up before we got here."

"Hello to you too, Mom," I laughed before shaking my head. "The slightest movement next to her and she wakes up it seems like."

"You were similar," My Father hummed. "At least, when you first arrived. I can't blame you."

"Do you want your grandson?"

"Why is that a question? Give me Prince Leonidas."

"He's sleeping, Dad."

"Did I stutter?"

"Hades," My Mother giggled. "Let him sleep. Princess Nerina's the one that wants your attention."

I glanced back and finished cleaning the last bottle, smiling at Nerina while she stared at my Dad. "Your granddaughter wants you to hold her."

"Fine, give her here," My Father smiled as Donna handed her to him. "Now, you two, don't you have a date to get ready for?"

"It'll be a quick spell! Okay, their bottles-"

"[Y/N]," My Mother laughed, cupping my cheeks before kissing my forehead. "We know how to take care of infants. It's not our first rodeo, and it won't be our last."


"Not now, Hades."

"...Gross," I muttered with a frown, earning a giggle from my Mother.

"You should be glad your parents still love each other after centuries of marriage. Now, go get ready. We'll watch the little ones while you two enjoy your date."

Thirty Minutes Later

"And, here we are," I breathed after guiding Donna through the forest to the coordinates Artemis gave me. "Artemis has a magical barrier around this place. No predators. No monsters. Time's frozen here, almost."

"Does anyone know why?" Donna asked while squeezing my hand as we stopped near a crystal-clear lake with Sakura trees surrounding it. "Where are-?"

"She believes our grandfather found this little pocket, froze it in time, and left a trail for his grandkids to find. Almost every one of us has been here at least once with someone special. Now, it's my turn."

"...Do you think he brought your grandmother here?"

"I wouldn't doubt it," I hummed as we sat on a log. "So, how do you like being a Mom?"

Donna giggled and leaned her head on my shoulder, her arms wrapping around my body. "So far? It's odd, but when they grip my finger it makes me happy. Plus, having you pamper me even more for those nine months was fun."

"I'm sure it was. They'll have powers, you know."

"When will they start showing?"

"...Not until they're ten months, I believe. So, we have nine more months of them being normal babies. Well, as normal as they can be."

Donna hummed and picked a flower, slowly rolling it between her fingers. "Will the powers develop slowly?"

"They will," I smiled when she placed the flower in my hair. "There's a chance one will have my Underworld features too, you know?"

The Magic of the Moon  [Fem!reader x Donna Beneviento] [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora