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"Miranda... It's been a long time."

"Indeed it has — where's your twin?" Miranda's voice rang out from behind me, the flapping of her wings causing me to glance over my shoulder at her. "Last I remembered, the two of you never left each other's side — hard to imagine you two had a serious fight."

"Zeus happened. They're still on Mt. Olympus." I grumbled out and watched as she circled me like a predator — the same way she did all of those years ago.

"Then why are you here?"

"I was planning on leaving Olympus for a while... He didn't like that I was taking so long to leave and when we started arguing..."

"He sent you away. Typical man — can't handle when someone sticks up to him so he has to shut you down somehow. Do you need a place to stay?"

"Why are you being so nice?" I inquired — my gaze trained on her as if she would strike at any moment.

"Why are you so tense? I've never given you a reason to not trust me. The three of us used to work together — how could you forget that?"

'Right... Back in '56... She helped us back then — protected us from Zeus.'

"I guess I can blame Isa's powers for that — god of paranoia and all." I muttered softly, watching as she stopped circling and stalked closer to me.

"And what are you the god of?"

"Confidence and passion, why do you ask?"

"So I know what lord to send you to." Miranda mused, grabbing my jaw and locking eyes with me. "Donna Beneviento — you were already headed in her direction. It shouldn't be too hard for you to get along with her — she is a lot like Isa, although she doesn't have their short temper."

"I can live with that."

Miranda let out a laugh before releasing my jaw and disappearing a swirl of black feathers, allowing me to hold out a hand and catch one once the sight before me had settled down. I placed the feather in my pocket before continuing the trek to the mansion, trying to keep my mind off of everything that had happened. The further I got from the location Zeus dropped me off at, the worse the paranoia became — proving that Isa was getting upset at not being able to find me.

I shook off the anxiety, taking a deep breath of the crisp, cold air after making it to an old bridge suspended high in the air. My hand landed on the rough rope of the bridge, a shaky breath passing my lips as I took a hesitant step onto the broken, wooden bridge. A cold breeze blew and made me tighten my grip on the rope — trying to not look down as I slowly stepped further onto the bridge. I continued along the bridge until I reached the other side, letting out a low sigh of relief once I was on solid ground once more.

'Sometimes being a child of Hades has its downsides... Mainly the fear of heights — damn Zeus.'

After a few beats of just standing there, I began walking along the path and ignoring the hanging dolls. Being a princess of the dead made it easy to ignore them — but the sudden appearance of yellow flowers this far into the mountains made me uneasy. I pulled out a handkerchief and covered my mouth and nose, trying my best to not breathe in the scent of the flowers. The further I went down the path, the more flowers that showed up and made me even more curious as to why they were here.

Ever since Persephone had given some of her blood in the ceremony, it made it easier to know when plants could be harmful. After a few more moments I ended up near the entrance of the mansion, my arm becoming heavy and finding it more difficult to hold up and keep the handkerchief covering my mouth and nose. My arm fell to my side and the scent of the flowers quickly wafted towards me, panic quickly setting in as faint laughter sounded out. I glanced around with wide eyes, covering my ears as the laughter grew louder and deeper — the same laughter that was heard that day.

"Look at you — a godling and yet you couldn't even save them." A distorted voice called out, causing me to quickly turn around and come face-to-face with Kronos. "Goddess of confidence... HA! Where was that when they needed it?! Where was your passion when they needed it?! You're both pathetic gods!"

"Shut up..." I trailed off, backing into the door and desperately trying to get it open. "You don't get to say anything — you never had to sacrifice everything! We lost everyone! You... you killed everyone..."

"And I'd do it all over again if given the chance."

The door behind me opened up and the vision of Kronos dissipated, allowing me to calm down a bit as I stumbled back into the mansion. I watched the door shut before my eyes before resting my head against the wood, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths to try and settle my nerves completely. A soft clearing of someone's throat caused me to tense up and turn around immediately, wide eyes landing on a woman clad in black — a doll in her hands as her head tilted ever-so-slightly.

'This must be Donna...' I cleared my throat and offered a weak smile, using my powers to dispel my paranoia. "You must be lady Donna Beneviento... Miranda told me I'd find you here — I'd find a place to stay momentarily. I'm [Y/N] — I'm a go— an old friend of Miranda's."

"I'm Angie!" The doll piped up, drawing my attention to her as I slowly nodded. "And yes, this is Donna!"

"It's an honor to meet you both."


I nodded lightly and tried not to flinch at the sudden loudness of the doll. The two began to walk up the stairs — drawing my attention to a painting on the stair case of Angie and a woman. I paused on the stairs and stared in awe at the painting, my heart skipping a beat the longer I stared at the woman in the painting. When the faint footsteps of the lady stopped, my head snapped over to the lord and I cleared my throat, managing to catch up to her.

'That painting must be of Donna — she's so gorgeous... Why does she hide her face? No, that's none of my business... She has her reasons.'

Once I reached the lord, she began walking again — Angie peeking over her shoulder to watch me. I offered a nervous smile and glanced down at the ground until Donna came to a stop, causing me to quickly stop and look up to see the door she had stopped in front of. She opened the door and motioned inside, waiting for me to step in before joining me, Angie floating out of her hands to float around me.

"This will be your room. Donna's going to make lunch soon — I hope you like pasta!" Angie cackled before the two left, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I shut the door behind them and sat on the edge of my new bed, tilting my head to the ceiling as a soft sigh passed my lips. "Isa... Please be safe... I'll write to you as soon as I can — just hold out a bit longer."

'Miranda... What have you done in the time that we've been gone? You never mentioned any lords the last time we saw you — how long have you had lords helping you out here?'

The Magic of the Moon  [Fem!reader x Donna Beneviento] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now