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warning(s): the magic the reader uses is blood magic, so there is a part where the reader has to cut her finger so, warning for mild self harm

(if you wish to skip the blood magic part, it's the 2 paragraphs after the call with Persephone)

"It is, no need to worry," I promised, leaning my staff against the wall. "We're all safe."

One Week Later

"Babe," Donna whispered as she gently shook me. "Wake up."

"I'm sleeping."

"You're a god, you don't need to sleep."

"It's a luxury I enjoy."

"You promised to take me to the Underworld this week," I could hear the pout in her voice as she spoke. "The week's almost over."

I pried an eye open and sent her a small smile. "Five minutes of cuddling until I'm awake enough to get dressed?"


Donna kept her pout until my arms were around her waist, pulling her against my body. I let my eyes flutter shut as she began placing soft kisses on my cheek and jaw, something she started doing after Lycaon attacked. 'She's still shaken up by that, even if she won't admit it... Maybe going to the Underworld will make her feel a bit better. Is that why she's so adamant about going today?'

Her kisses stopped after a moment, signaling that she had settled down. She nuzzled into my neck and let out a content sigh, bringing a smile to my face. 'I have to admit though, it's cute and I hope she never stops,' I ran my fingers through her hair as we lay there. 'I'll have to tell her how much I love it when we get back — if my siblings hear, I'll never hear the end of it.'

"Incoming Iris message." I groaned and pulled away from Donna to sit up, sending the goddess a small glare. "Sorry dear, it's from your mother."

"Nice to see you as well, Iris," I muttered and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Patch her through. Oh, and Iris?"

"Yes, your majesty?"

"I hope you know you'll need to meet Donna someday as well — considering you're also a messenger goddess."

"I can't wait," The rainbow goddess giggled. "Hearing some of the stories from the other gods has piqued my interest. Just let me know when to swing by!"

"Will do," I smiled before the rainbow rippled — switching the image of the goddess to an image of my mother. "Hello, mother."

"The week's almost over."

"Yes, Donna was sure to remind me of that when she woke me."

"Then I'll make lunch! Don't be late," She deadpanned, making me shudder.

"We wo-won't be, mother, I-I promise," I laughed before the rainbow disappeared.

"Can we get ready now?" Donna inquired with a prideful grin.

"...Did you contact my mother somehow without me knowing?!"

"I have no clue how to do that."

"...Fair enough."

"Who's Iris?"

"Goddess of Rainbows — another messenger of the gods," I explained as we got out of bed. "Favored by the Queens which is why she knows so much about me."

The Magic of the Moon  [Fem!reader x Donna Beneviento] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now