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"So, why do you look like [Y/N]?"

'Suddenly, I understand what Isa means by 'so embarrassed I burst into flames'. If my powers were as pyro based as theirs, I'm sure I'd be on fire right now,' Aphrodite laughed at Donna's question.

"I take the form of who you find most attractive."

A faint squeak left Donna at the goddess's answer. "Oh!"

"Relax," Aphrodite giggled. "She sees you when she looks at me."


"What?! Are you going to lie to your girlfriend now?! You'll make her feel horrible if you do. And personally, I'd curse you if you ever did that in my presence."

"I think I'd die on the spot if I ever did that," I grumbled and held Donna close. "She's right though. I do see you when I look at her."

Donna buried her face in my shoulder and muttered something in Italian, making me smile at her flustered behavior. 'And we're back to her being flustered,' I kissed her head before we continued following Aphrodite. 'At least she isn't focused on what just happened anymore.' Once inside, Donna moved her head away from my shoulder and let out a soft gasp at the sight.

Light pink marble — mixed with gold and white — was used to build the castle, making it more fitting for the goddess of love. Statues and paintings lined the walls and the further we went, the more personal the paintings got. They went from just paintings of her to paintings of her children — some even of her and Ares. Donna peeled off when she noticed another painting, making Aphrodite and me stop.

I turned my attention to the painting and laughed, walking over to Donna a moment later. 'Right, the one time 'Dite got Isa to wear pink.' Donna did her best to not giggle, but the sight was so bizarre it was hard not to laugh. Even Isa laughed at it now. We started our trip again after that, reaching a secluded bathhouse. Outfits were ready for us, all that was left was to be left alone.

"Once you two are finished up in there — it'll help calm you down, trust me — one of the nymphs will escort you to your room! I'll swing by with some treats and, hopefully, Isa and the little prince."

"Little Prince?" Donna smiled at the nickname. "Does he have a crown?"

"Not yet. He's still too young. The crowns the royal families wear hold power — literally. He has to be able to control some of his power before he can wear one."

"How close is he?"

Aphrodite gave a warm smile to Donna. "Very close. Perhaps you can help him? I'm sure seeing someone new wanting him to control his powers will help."

"Especially since he adores you," I pointed out. "He's always been a friendly kid, but, he really came out of his shell to talk to you."

"You're gonna make me blush," Donna grumbled. "He's a sweet kid, even Alcina agrees. Do you think your twin would mind if we kept him for a bit?"

"Hm, depends on how long. They'd never admit it, but they would miss him if he was gone too long."

"Well, I'll leave you two," Aphrodite giggled and gently pushed us inside. "Take as long as you'd like!"

"Shall we?" I motioned inside once Aphrodite left.

"After you," Donna giggled, wrapping her arms around mine.

I laughed as I guided her inside, letting her head into a changing room while I thanked the nature spirits. Once they were gone, I joined Donna in the changing room, walking up to her and kissing her cheek. Donna smiled and returned the action, letting me help her undress before turning around to help me.

Once we were both naked, I walked her through a hall connecting us to the bath. I helped her into the water before joining, letting her move over to me and test her head on my shoulder. My arm wrapped around her waist as we relaxed, Donna's arms wrapping around my neck loosely. With a snap of my fingers, the wicks of the candles in the bathhouse ignited, filling the air with a mix of lavender and vanilla.

"This was kind of her."

"Don't let her kindness fool you," I giggled. "Every goddess has a dark side."

"Even you?"

"No, I have an evil twin."

Donna giggled and moved a bit closer to me. "You're so cruel to them."

"Someone has to be," I laughed and kissed her head. "Otherwise they'll get a massive ego."

"I find that hard to believe."

"...Okay, you're right, I just wanted to see if you'd believe it at all."

"Not a chance," She laughed. "So, what's your dark side?"

"Promise me you won't worry?"

"That's not a good start."

"I use blood magic. My staff helps. It's the only weapon I use when I use blood magic. All of my other weapons are just normal— er, as normal as godly weapons can get."

"So your bow doesn't-?"

"Nope! It does, however, absorb the moonlight for a very powerful attack. It takes a lot of my energy though, so I try not to use that ability unless it's absolutely necessary."

"...I can live with that then," Donna hummed before sitting up enough to lock eyes with me. "As long as you promise me you won't use your staff too often."

"Babe, I'm immortal."


I shifted my hands and pecked her lips to stop her from pouting. "Okay, okay, deal."

"Thank you," She giggled before shifting into my lap. "I can get used to this."

"Maybe I can arrange something like this."

"I can always ask Mother Miranda if I really wanted something this grand."

"Where's the fun in asking your Mother when your girlfriend can have it made for you without costing money?"

"It'll be done faster and I don't get to spend more time in the castle with Alcina and the girls."

I laughed and let my forehead rest against hers. "That makes more sense."

"What can I say? I love spending time with my nieces."

"Your sister is interesting to talk too," I agreed. "Sooo... Larger bath?"

Donna giggled and rolled her eyes. "Sounds like you miss this more than I want it."

"We can have statues of us built inside — surrounding the bath."

"We'll talk about it once our home is safe again."

"So there's a chance?"

The Magic of the Moon  [Fem!reader x Donna Beneviento] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now