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"...Shut up."

"You're not denying it," I sang, watching their cheeks begin to glow.

"You're not denying being gay!"

"...You're gay too?!?"


I laughed and smacked the back of their head, turning my attention back to Donna. "Doesn't she seem-?"

"Calmer? You're welcome," Isa muttered, crossing their arms over their chest. "I uh... I didn't want her to be scared of too many things down here, so I... I'm focusing a lot to keep my powers at bay."

With a warm smile, I pulled them in for a hug and kissed their head despite their protesting. "Thank you. It means a lot to me and her: Of that, I'm sure."

Isa pulled away and wiped off where I kissed, making me pout. "Don't kiss me like I'm a child that did something sweet."

"Not like that at all," I promised with a laugh, draping an arm over their shoulders. "Can't you just let your twin thank you?"

"I don't accept 'thank you's."

"You don't accept anything that could paint you as a good deity."


"My twin. The child of Hades. What your powers can do doesn't define you. That's what Mother told us when we were younger, right?"

"...Stop using her words against me."

"She's one of the only beings you'll listen to, Isa. Using her words is the only way to get you to listen."

"You're right though," Isa sighed, nodding toward Donna. "She does seem more at peace here."

"Because of your efforts."

"And because she loves you. I can sense it — in her soul. There's a lot of warmth toward you — that usually means a love of some kind."

My gaze shifted to the marble gazebo — a smile on my face at the changes made to it. Statues of myself and Isa had been added to it — meaning father destroyed it and had it rebuilt to include us — as well as hanging fairy lights decorating the dark steel beams resembling a half-dome on top. I smiled wider when Donna slowed down and examined the statues, her fingers grazing my statues inscription.

Her head turned in my direction, making me walk closer to her and Costin — who was admiring the statue of Isa. 'I forgot he said he would make these additions,' My hand smoothed over the marble of my staff. 'Hnoss. Still can't believe Freyja convinced me to name you that.' I turned my attention back to Donna, sending her a warm smile.

"These were added after we ascended," I informed her, giggling at Costin pointing at the statue of Isa. "Ah, their sword and shield; Freyja and Freyr. They convinced us to name our weapons after them and their kids. Still, interesting gods with interesting stories."

"What's your staff called?"

"Hnoss. Named after Lady Freyja's daughter."

"Hnoss..." Donna trailed, her grip on Costin tightening for a moment. "Has he seen them? Your staff and Isa's sword and shield?"

"Not my staff," I shrugged, glancing away when he sent me a pleading pout. "And not today, kid. Maybe when you're older."

"I big boy!" He protested, crossing his arms over his chest. "Mama! Tell Auntie I big boy!"

Isa laughed and stopped leaning against the railing. "Summon it before you make him cry, you big bully."

"I am not a bully," I grumbled, holding my hand out. "Hnoss!"

A red light flashed from my hand before my staff appeared, its cool, Damascus steel resting naturally in my hand. Costin's eyes widened in awe, his hands reaching for the staff. I tilted it toward him, letting him wrap his tiny hands around it. 'I wonder if he's seen his mother's weapon — her staff is pretty unique.' His eyes flashed violet before he let it go, giggling excitedly. 'Such a happy kid.'

Isa took Costin from Donna when she stepped closer to me, her fingers cautiously grazing my weapon. Her hand stopped over mine, making me suck in a sharp breath. 'Gods, why does it feel like she wants to kiss me? Why am I so nervous about it?' She slid her hand away from mine and lifted her head, taking in the hanging lights while Costin tried to wriggle out of Isa's arms, making them roll their eyes and set him down.

"Use your words next time," They chuckled as he ran up to Donna again, taking her hand and tugging her toward a blanket fort.

"What's that?" I asked them, watching Donna take a seat with Costin.

"His little play area. He has the entire Underworld, but he chooses this place."

"Just like his parent."

"We had more restrictions — he's allowed to go almost everywhere. Have you heard from the triplets?"

"You haven't gone to see them?"

"Not this week," They sighed. "He's been plagued with nightmares, so Mel and I have been working overtime."

"Go visit them — Donna and I can take of him. She loves him."

"...I know. Souls never lie — when she's around you and when she's being an aunt to him, her love is genuine. She sees him as family, all thanks to you."

"It helps that he's an adorable kid," We laughed after that and joined the two.


I finished packing the picnic basket and turned to Makaria. "And Mel's sure the path is clear?"

"STOP DOUBTING MY ABILITIES, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Melinoë yelled from another room, making me jump. "I'm the goddess of ghosts, of course, I was able to clear the path!"

"I'm not! It doesn't hurt to double-check!"

"Does that answer your question?" Makaria giggled and handed me a bottle of wine. "From Dionysus."

"Thanks, Mak," I smiled and pecked her cheek. "You're the best for organizing this so last minute."

"Anything for my baby sister. Now, go enjoy your date."

I nodded and left the kitchen, heading outside to meet with Donna. Costin hugged her before running up to me, causing me to stop so he could hug my waist and take off into the castle. I chuckled before offering an arm for Donna, waiting for her to loop her arm through mine. Once she was ready, we took off along the path to Elysium, her head resting on my shoulder.

"Was there something further up the path?"

"...You heard that?"

"I'd have to be deaf," Donna giggled.

"Well, there was an issue — a lost soul. With one wondering around, the Erinyes would be out searching. They view lost souls as souls trying to leave the Underworld — and that's a crime."

"Are they aggressive?"

"Goddess of Vengence and Retribution," I sighed, watching one fly over. "Usually, when not dealing with souls, they fly around and patrol the Underworld. They're nice though — just difficult to talk to sometimes."

"Fascinating. So, where are we going?"

"Elysium. My mother tends to the things there — you'll love the view."

Donna kissed my cheek, a smile on her face. "How did I get lucky enough to make a goddess fall in love with me?"

"I could ask the same thing."

The Magic of the Moon  [Fem!reader x Donna Beneviento] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now