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Warning(s): NSFW/Fingering, Oral sex

"[Y/N]!" Donna laughed and lightly smacked my arm.

I laughed as my arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to my body. "Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?"

The paleness of her skin quickly shifted to pink as she smiled, her face quickly burying against my neck. "Sh-shut up."

"It's true! If you managed to capture a goddess's attention, you're obviously very beautiful and talented — not to mention probably the sweetest person I've ever met."

"...You've mostly met people that wanted you dead."

"Don't point out facts about my past when I'm complimenting you," I laughed and moved her away from my neck, tilting her head up to ghost my lips over hers. "You're gorgeous, talented, sweet, and funny — so much more too, but I'll stop there so you don't get redder."

"Shut up and kiss me," Donna huffed before connecting our lips, the pink of her cheeks deepening to a red tone.

'Cute,' I internally cooed as I returned the kiss. 'I'm shocked at the sudden change, but I enjoy it. Didn't expect her to want sex — I guess even she's not immune to the charm of a god.'

A soft grunt left me when my back collided with the shower wall, Donna's hands sliding over my body and to my breasts. 'Someone has more confidence than normal,' I smirked into the kiss as she hesitantly played with my breasts. 'I'm curious to see how far she can go.' A soft moan left me when she gently pinched my nipples — earning a soft squeal from Donna, causing her to stop and try to step away.


"Love," I laughed and cupped her cheeks, pecking her lips. "That's a good sound — it means you're making me feel good."

"O-oh," Donna muttered and glanced away, her blush spreading more.

"Thinking about something?"


"Wanna tell me about it?"

"I uhm... I had a dream the other night," She stated quieter than normal as her blush deepened. "A-about us."

"Go on," I purred before planting gentle kisses down her neck. "I'm curious."

"A-ah okay," Donna squirmed when my hands pulled her closer and squeezed her waist. "W-we got married-,"

My heart skipped a beat at the thought. 'Married? To Donna? I mean, it's crossed my mind, but I didn't expect her to have a dream about it.'

"-and when e-everyone left, y-you took me to a place in the Underworld. It was gorgeous; flowers as far as the eye could see, a beautiful waterfall that lead to a river — winding around a very large city."

"Elysium," I breathed against her neck. "It's different for everyone, but since it was a dream, it's no wonder it looked like a city."

"We went to the base of the waterfall and..."


"Y-you uhm — we... We had-."

"We had sex?"

"Mhm," Donna hummed, a quiet moan leaving her when I bit her neck. "I-it started li-like this."

"Hm? Then instruct me on what to do next."

The Magic of the Moon  [Fem!reader x Donna Beneviento] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now