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"Dolls!" The three exclaimed with smiles.

POV: [Y/N]

Donna stopped her story and held me tighter when the boat rocked a bit too much, making me send a small glare to the skeleton.

"I didn't say scare her," I hissed, making the skeleton jump.

"I-it's okay," Donna laughed nervously, her grip starting to hurt for once.

"...Take us back to the shore."


"Mi amor," I hummed and cupped her cheeks. "You've never hurt me before, but that was the closest you've ever come. I think that's enough water adventures for today. We can always try again next time — maybe with Angie."

"Definitely with Angie," Donna muttered and glanced away.

'Shit... Should we have brought Angie?! I mean, she seemed to be having fun with the kids, and I didn't want to interrupt that,' I cleared my throat as the boat turned around to begin the path back to the clearing. "Right, sorry about that... I should've asked-."

"N-no! I-I enjoyed it! I'll just need Angie next time because... I want you to operate the boat. Just..."

"I got it, don't worry. I was just worried I messed up by not bringing her this time."

"Not at all."

Donna pecked my lips before she moved her head to my shoulder, scooting closer to me as the ride continued. It didn't take too long to get back, but the silence and gentle rocking of the boat were calming. Once the boat stopped, Donna moved off me and let me step out of the boat, allowing me to turn and offer her my hand. She stood and took my hand, carefully stepping out of the boat.

The boat shifted when she stepped off, causing her to stumble into me. My arms secured her close to my body as she trembled, her hands clutching my clothes. I kissed her temple and gently squeezed her waist, promising that she was safe until she seemed to calm down.

"I got you," I muttered against her head. "You're safe. We're on land, baby girl."

"La-land," Donna repeated, slowly pulling her face away from my chest to look at the ground. "Ye-yeah we ar-are."

"How about we go get Angie and head home, hm? I think that's enough action for one day."


"I won't let go," I promised as I walked her to Elysium. "We can cuddle as soon as we get home too."

"I-I'd like th-that."

"...It's normal."


"People down here fearing the water — it's normal. For my siblings and myself, it's because Uncle Poseidon will try to kill us if we don't have his permission to be in his domain."

Donna let out a weak giggle. "That helps, shockingly."

I giggled as we got closer to the kids that were playing with Angie. "I'm glad it could. Excuse us, kids! Did you all have fun playing with Angie?!"

"We did!" They all giggled and ran up to us. "Is it time to say bye?"

"It is. If we visit again soon, you can play with her again."

"Can we play with more too? Please?!"

Donna giggled at their pleading faces. "I do have a lot of dolls, so we'll bring as many as we can carry."

"YAY! Thank you, Miss!"

Angie floated over until she settled in my arms. "...I actually had fun with the little rugrats."

I chuckled and held her tight. "Next time, you won't be alone."

"Yeah, yeah, let's go home!"

We said goodbye to the kids before a portal to the mansion opened up, letting us walk through it and back home. Once the portal shut, Donna grabbed my arm and tugged me to the stairs, a giggle leaving her. 'Someone's excited about cuddles,' I smiled to myself while following her. 'I can't blame her.'

When we reached the bedroom, Donna pulled me to the bed and made me lie down, a smile on her face as she joined me. I wrapped an arm around her while she rested her head on my shoulder, letting me place Angie between our bodies. The two settled happily, and Donna kissed my jaw before letting her eyes close.



"...Have you ever thought about getting married?"

'Marriage?!' Aunt Hera immediately spoke in my mind, making me cover Donna's mouth.

"Mi amor, let's not say the 'M' word right now, okay?" I laughed nervously. "I promise, I'll answer your question in the morning. Answering it now would gain more of my aunt's attention and I don't want to be interrogated by her."

Donna moved my hand and laughed. "You didn't have to cover my mouth to say that! I would've understood without that."

"Just making sure, because she's already listening in."

'I'll just get 'Dite to gather some information when she visits.'

'Real mature, auntie.'

'...I've turned women into animals and monsters for sleeping with your uncle.'

'Okay, that's fair,' I internally sighed. 'Just, don't go overboard with questions when you do meet her?'

'I won't.'

"[Y/N]?" Donna hummed and sat up, leaning over me enough to peck my lips. "Thank you for coming into my life."

I returned the peck with one of my own. "Thank you for letting me stay. Although how I ended up here wasn't ideal, I would gladly choose to come here and be with you if given the chance."

"That's as close of an answer to my question as I'll get tonight," Donna giggled before laying down again.

"Sly devil."

We giggled before cuddling closer, our eyes shutting as the exhaustion of the day finally caught up. 'Marriage? Now that's something I've rarely thought of... But marrying Donna? That's a thought I could get used to,' I smiled at the thought. 'Having a home on Earth again would be nice too. Not to mention, a large family. But what about a family of our own?'

'Don't get too far ahead,' Aunt Hera sighed in my mind. 'You'll end up scaring yourself into delaying the marriage like your father did. Just focus on what she wants, okay? You worry too much about scaring her, so just let her guide things.'

'Got it,' I smiled. 'Goodnight, auntie.'

'Goodnight, dear.'

The Magic of the Moon  [Fem!reader x Donna Beneviento] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now