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"Yes," I breathed out, my eyes landing on Donna's lips. "You may kiss me."


'Holy fuck,' My mind blanked when her lips touched mine — the ghost of a touch, barely noticeable until she gained a bit more confidence. 'I can't believe this is happening-.'


I slowly returned the kiss, my grip on her waist tightening in the process. She tugged me as close as possible, easing off of the kiss to let me take the lead. So, I did. I gently nipped at her lower lip, taking her gasp as an opportunity to slither my tongue into new territory.

Donna let out a soft moan at the action and didn't bother fighting my tongue — allowing me to claim the new territory as my own. She gently sucked on my tongue to pull a faint moan from me, her body shuddering at the vibrations. I bit back a growl when she broke away the kiss — desperately wanting to chase it but also wanting to go at her pace.

I slowly opened my eyes, noticing the flushed look on Donna's face. Her lips were parted — soft pants escaping her — and eyes half open, a bright red blush covering her cheeks. I moved a hand back to her cheek, slowly sliding it along her jaw and resting in the back of her hair. Her eyes locked with mine before she initiated another kiss — this one hungrier than before.

Donna clung to me — as if afraid I'd disappear — before a knock at the door caused us to separate. A low growl rose in my throat when Donna parted from the kiss, a thin strand of saliva being the only thing that connected our lips still. When she moved off of my lap and walked to the door, I let out a faint huff and moved further onto the bed, waiting for her to return.

I waited silently for her to return, smiling when she immediately settled in my lap. She laid down with her head on my chest, letting out a content hum when I began running my fingers through her hair. Before I could question who was at the door, Angie landed on the bed — as if she were ready to fall asleep — and I let a smile take over my features.

'I see,' I mused to myself as Donna's breathing evened out. 'She wanted to do that without Angie seeing — wanted to make sure everything went how she expected... Cute.'

One Month Later

One month. One month of heartache — of not being able to be around Donna for too long. She had acted like the kiss didn't happen when she woke up — and every day since — which made my heart ache horrendously. When she came to me this morning and asked to talk over lunch, I let my hopes get up — hoping she'd give an answer as to why.

I slowly made my way through the mansion, stopping outside of the kitchen. The smell of cookies drew me in — only making me freeze at the sight of Donna. She wore her nightgown — despite it being close to the middle of the day — and her head drooped before jolting back up. My heart squeezed at the sight, but instead of walking over to her, I cleared my throat and frowned when she jumped.

"You're here," Donna whispered after turning around, rushing over to me and wrapping her arms around my neck. "I'm sorry."

"...Why?" It was all I could manage as she sobbed against me, my arms wrapping around her slowly. "I... I thought we were making progress..."

"I-I got... Scared..."

'Scared of love? Heh... That I can understand,' I tightened my hold on her, pressing a soft and hesitant kiss on her head. "I understand-."

"It's not right... I shouldn't have hurt you the way I did-."

"Donna. I understand." I cut her off and pulled back, making her look at me. "Next time, let me know, okay? Don't push me away — let's fall together."

Donna nodded as tears filled her eyes again, making her bury her face against me. I rubbed circles on her back until she calmed down, her sniffles quieting down. Once she pulled away again, I helped her clean up her face and moved over to the cookies, picking one up with a smile.

"Did you make these as an apology?"

"I-I did," Donna whispered as she watched me take a bite.

After chewing and swallowing the bite, I smiled and leaned against the counter. "Delicious."

"I-I'm... I'm glad you like it... I tried—."

"Donna, everything you make, I love. Food, dolls, clothes — all of it. You're incredibly talented and sweet, humans never deserved you."

"So why does a goddess want me?"

My heart broke at her timid question, making me brush my thumb over her cheek. "Because this goddess can see what humans can't. I can see everything; how sweet and caring you are, the love you hold for your family — both the dead and the lords — and finally, how you accepted me."

There was a moment of silence before Donna's lips were on mine, freezing me in place. A part of me yelled to not return the kiss — that everything would repeat itself — until a voice said it was okay. The voice wasn't foreign, but it faded the moment I returned the kiss — extinguishing all worries like someone extinguishing a flame.

'Let yourself love, dear sister,' Isa's voice grew quieter the longer the kiss went on. 'She'll listen — she'll stop pushing you away when she gets scared of her feelings. Now you can do the same.'

I smiled when Donna slowly pulled away, the familiar blush and panting expression that haunted my dreams since that night was plastered on her face, making my heart skip a beat. She glanced off to the side — suddenly very shy — and I let out a soft chuckle, pulling her close to me once more. A smile stayed on my face as she leaned into me, gently gripping my shirt while my arms snaked around her waist.

"Are you willing to try?"

"I am," Donna whispered and nuzzled into my neck. "I don't want to hurt either of us again..."

"You won't," I hummed before resting my chin on her head gently. "I trust you — and I will never harm you, my doll maker."


"Too soon?"

"No, I—! I liked it... I like the thought of being yours in some aspect. I was willing to settle with just being your friend forever... Just as long as I could say I'm something to you."

"You will always be something to me. Θα είσαι πάντα ξεχωριοτή για μένα."

Θα είσαι πάντα ξεχωριοτή για μένα - You will always be special to me

The Magic of the Moon  [Fem!reader x Donna Beneviento] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now