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"Oh thank the fates," I breathed out with a laugh, noticing the slight rise and fall of lady Beneviento's shoulders — signifying that she found my outburst amusing. "I'm not as skilled as my mother, but I'm glad you like it."

Two Months Later


The last time you visited you demanded that I write to you at least once a month. You're so paranoid, my little sibling, but I guess that makes sense. These last two months have been amazing. I got to meet the rest of Donna's family — you'd hate to meet her older sister — and she's a lot calmer now. Last month, she asked me to start using my powers on her whenever she'd get overwhelmed. I was hesitant at first, but after she had a panic attack and begged me — well, Angie begged me — to use my powers, I couldn't say 'No'.

I've also managed to get her to leave her mansion more often, but... There's something I should tell you. Only you. I will know if anyone else reads the rest of this and I'll return to Olympus just to kick your ass. I... I think I might have a crush on her — on Donna. Fates... I haven't had a crush on someone since... Have I ever had a crush on someone before? I can't remember. Don't tell anyone. Especially not her... I don't need her showing up before I can fully process these emotions — plus, she might make Donna upset, and I don't want that.

Until next time,


I let out a soft sigh as I neatly rolled up the note and opened my window. A raven landed on the windowsill and cawed, causing me to roll my eyes as I moved a small tray of food over to her. I gently pet her as she ate, waiting for her to finish before carefully tying the note to her leg. Once she took off, I shut my window and left my room to start breakfast.

We now had a system. I'd make breakfast and bring it to Donna's office, she'd make lunch while I clean part of the mansion, and I'd make dinner. Occasionally, Donna would join me in making dinner, but only when she wanted dessert. I didn't mind it — Donna would always get so excited for dessert and she expressed that through outbursts with Angie.

As I walked through the halls, I heard a very faint calling of 'Mama' that made my blood run cold. My breathing became labored as I froze in the hallway, my eyes shifting towards the elevator when the voice called out again. Donna had warned me not to use the elevator — she said there was something in her basement that Miranda requested she keep there as a "guard". I slowly backed away from the elevator and, refusing to put my back towards it, began making my way into the kitchen.

There was a long silence before I let out a sigh of relief, finally turning around to start breakfast. I wasn't sure what was down there, and I had promised Donna I'd never go down, but I refused to even acknowledge that she has a basement now. There was a light tapping on my shoulder and I turned around in an instant, the point of the knife stopping centimeters from Donna's veil. I let out a shaky breath before lowering the knife.

"I'm sorry, Donna," I breathed as I set the knife down. "...That thing in your basement... I heard it... Could you be a dear and make me some tea? It'll help calm my nerves."

Donna nodded immediately — having tensed up when I mentioned the basement — and moved to start the tea. By the time I finished breakfast and set the table, as requested by Angie, Donna had already poured the tea and taken her seat at the head of the table. I took mine next to her and immediately sipped the tea, a content sigh passing my lips once I swallowed the warm liquid. The perfect blend, as always. Donna had only messed up the first time when making my tea, but it hadn't been too far off — just a little too much sugar.

The Magic of the Moon  [Fem!reader x Donna Beneviento] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now