1.10 Turning point

Start from the beginning

Stefan took his back and Damon his. Jacked getting ready to leave the house. But before they could leave I stopped them.

"Wait. Stefan, you can not tell Elena about this." I could see he was about to protest. "Listen. Telling Elena will only make her worry. She can't do anything, and they won't be hurt at all because of me and Damon. Just stay by her side and keep an eye out for Bonnie and Caroline just in case." Stefan nodded understanding my point of view.

"So, where are we going?" Damon smirked.

"The woods. When we get there I will cast a spell that will lead us to him. If I had something of his then this would go faster but we don't." Accepting my answer we left for the woods.

As we got here far away from people my eyes blazed their violet color. In my hand came a small shining light, it kind of looked like a firefly glowing in the night. "Logan Fell" I whispered, seeing it starting to fly away. "And now we just have to follow it," I explained to Damon.

After walking for a few minutes we arrived at an abandoned warehouse.

"An abandoned warehouse?" Asked an annoyed Damon. "Couldn't he have found something better?"

"Well, he can't exactly walk in the day, making his choices very limited."

As we walked further in, I did a psychic scan of the place finding Logan quickly. I lifted my hand slowly stopping Damon in his tracks. He was about to say something but I placed my finger over my lips signaling for him to be quiet. As we stood there I called for some of my magic, making violet tendrils slide over the ground like snakes at my command. After a few seconds the voice of someone screaming hit our ears, and out of the shadows came a terrified Logan Fell bound in the snake-like violet tendrils. He was bound to the ground and couldn't move. I turned him around using my foot, and once he saw me his eyes widened. I could practically smell his fear and I loved it.

"What do you want?" He asked me, looking straight into my eyes.

"I just personally came because of my dear friend Luna over here. I just want you dead so you can't cause any problems for us. But Luna had other plans." Damon answered him. At that statement, Logan became even more afraid.

"I can smell your fear Logan, fear that is placed in the right place." I started by saying. "How about I offer you a deal." I offered him giving him a sweet smile tilting my head to the side. This just made him even more afraid. If he wasn't a vampire I'm pretty sure he would have gained a heart attack. "You tell me who turned you. You will leave town and never come back. And in return, I won't come after you. What do you say, Logan?"

"Her name is Anna, she wants to get into the tomb under the old church. I swear I don't know anything else. I promise I will leave town and never come back. As far as this town would be consigned I would be dead." Logan quickly told me. His fear of me making his flight instinct kick in like a wrecking ball. He just wanted to get the hell away from here.

"Thank you, Logan. You have been very helpful." I told him with a sweet smile. I released him from a grip, the violet snake-like tendrils vanished like it was never there. Logan quickly stood up making a run for it, think he forgot it was daytime. As Logan ran by us Damon was about to say something, but he stopped seeing me raise my hand. A second later a heart flew into it.

"Who's heart is that?" Asked an incredibly confused Damon.

"Logans." That was all I answered. Damon didn't know if he should be afraid or amused. After thinking a little, he was both.

"What now?" Damon asked me.

"Now you text Stefan Logan is dealt with and will no longer be a problem." As I finished the first part of my plan Damon pulled out his phone sending a quick text to Stefan. "And now we will go to my house and we will do something that will hopefully give me some answers."

"Answers to what?" Asked Damon. I didn't say anything, I just snapped my fingers and we disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke, reappearing in my house.

I walked to a random door in my house, Damon right behind me. I called forth my magic covering the door in violet energy, after a few seconds it opened showing a large room filled with random artifacts and books. Stuff I acquired over my time here. It's mostly just spellbooks since I don't need herbs for spells.

"What is this room?" An astonished-looking Damon asked looking around.

"This is what you could call "My Witch Room". This is where I do big and dangerous spells. There are several protection spells on this room making it the safest place on earth." I explained to him.

"But what about all the magic you did on the door?"

"This place also exists within a pocket dimension, only I can access it. It also makes it so I can come here from any door in the world."

"That is so cool." I could hear Damon say dreamily into the air."But why am I here?" He was confused about that part. To him, it didn't seem like she needed him.

"You are here for what comes after this. First, I will do this, then later we will go and visit a certain Elena Gilbert in the middle of the road, where her car is upside down." I told him with a casual voice. "For now you can go to my living room and make yourself at home. There is bourbon on the table with a glass waiting for you." I told him with a sweet smile. Damon smiled at that thanking me and making his way to the alcohol.

I used my magic moving some furniture in the room out of my way so I could sit on the ground with good space. I sat in a lotus pose and placed my hands on my lap. I placed my right hand over the fox tattoo and focused my magic on it. Willing it to find something. A few moments passed and I could feel a pull, I called for my magic to follow it, to see what it was and where it came from.

That's when I saw it, an image. It was a boy, he looked so familiar. That's when I was released. It was Kol Mikaelson. But why. I focused my magic on him, trying to find something. Suddenly I was pulled from the vision. I gasped awake my mind a little fuzzy.

As I made my way to stand a small golden light came from beneath me. As I looked to the source I saw a small book, the cover made of leather. Written in beautiful cursive it said 'Soulmates'.

"Soulmates?" That can't be. There was no such thing as soulmates before, so why is there now? I stood up and made my way to the table in the room. I placed the book down and opened it on the first page. The book spoke of how soulmates are bound to one another. But more importantly, I saw a passage where it spoke of a mark to symbolize one's soulmate. The fox tattoo, that's what it was, a soul mark. But that means... Kol Mikaelson is my soulmate. That is unexpected.

I closed the book placing it in some random empty space on one of my many book shelves. This is not the time to read about this. We need to go and get Elena, and from there go to Georgia and meet Bree. As I made it out of the room I heard Damon's voice.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, let's take my Jeep and get to Elena." And with that, we were on our way out of the house.

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