"We met earlier on when I came by. She was choking Damon." I explained. Before Stefan could ask any further I cut him. "Now it's time for gifts," I told them excitedly. Stefan smiled at that taking a seat with Lexi on the couch. I sat on the other one. "Now. I know it's Stefan's birthday, but Stefan is my friend, and I care about him. To know you have helped him so much Lexi makes me more than happy to give you this gift." Stefan and Lexi were confused. Lexi more than anyone. But they weren't worried I was going to do something bad as I had a warm smile on my face.

I waved my hand over the living room table separating us. Violet mist appeared and disappeared just as fast, leaving a small violet box. Lexi was amazed at the display of magic. She didn't know I was a witch, nor had she ever seen magic like mine. Stefan on the other hand was confused about what the gift could be, and that's when it struck him, he looked at me with wide eyes. He didn't want to get his hopes up, so he waited until I had finished.

"Please, open it." I nodded at Lexi. Hesitantly she reached for the box taking it in her hands. She opens it slowly. Her breath fought in her throat. I was not one, but two daylight rings in it. They both looked at me. Both becoming teary.

"Why?" That's all Lexi could ask. Her voice was small and filled with emotions. Stefan was just in shock.

"Because. Stefan has had a hard life. His guilt and hunger have consumed him more than once. But through all of that, you have been there to help him. You deserve this gift Lexi, and don't you ever doubt it." They both stood up and we embraced in a hug.

"But why is there two?" Stefan asked as we broke the hug. Lexi looked back at the box and there were two rings.

"You do remember my little gift of knowing things, don't you Stefan?" I asked. He nodded while Lexi was confused. "I sense your confusion, Lexi, what I mean is that I have the gift of knowing the past, present, and future." Before I could finish my sentence Lexi cut me off.

"You're a seer." Wonder in her voice. "I have never met one, but I have heard of you." There was a bright smile on her face.

"Yes, I am," I said returning her smile. "And I have seen that you have a certain someone in your life," I said a little teasingly. Lexi blushed nodding slowly, looking at the rings. "You have helped so much, that I believe it is finally time for you to have a daylight ring," I told her, a sweet smile on my face.

"Is there anything I can do for you? Something I can do to repay you?" Lexi asked me.

"Before you leave I would like to talk to you, and ask for your help with something," I told her, I could tell Stefan had already figured out I was talking about Vicki.

"Of course. Anything." Lexi exclaimed happily. We hugged again until she remembered something. "Stefan. You had a gift for Stefan as well." She said reminding us of that as well.

"Ah, I saved the best for last." This intrigued them both. "Stefan. For your entire vampiric life, you have been something known as a ripper. But no more. For my gift to you." I flicked my wrist, making it become consumed by violet smoke. As the smoke left, a bottle was in my hand. In it, you could see a red liquid. "The cure for being a ripper," I explained dramatically.

They both just stared at me, tears in both their eyes.

"What?" Stefan asked. His voice was low and filled with emotions. He couldn't believe it. He has been plagued by his ripper side for about 145 years. And now, in front of him is the cure. He hadn't noticed the tears streaming down his face. He couldn't. The world was a blur to him. He couldn't think or hear anything. The only thing he could hear was her words repeated in his head 'The cure for being a ripper'. So he did the only thing he could. He slowly went up to her and hugged her. Lexi joined in as well. As we were hugging Damon came downstairs.

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