'The Reunion'

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Void POV:

Ok.. HOW ARE WE MEANT TO DO THIS?! "I think it will be easier for us to do this in physical form"  My buddy looks at me. "Ya Think?" I nod my head while shrugging my shoulders. "I guess" They shake their head. "what?" They then stop shaking their head. "Time to get to work solving this problem!" I nod my head, not shrugging my shoulders this time. We both stay in silence for a while. They break the silence after a while though. "You dont remember my name do you..." I laugh nervously. "OF COURSE NOT!" They sigh. "You already know I can look straight through you and yet you still lie..." I look to the side. "Sorry..." They look at me and smile. "Dont worry about it void, this isnt the first time this has happened, or the second....." I laugh... "YEAH! DONT EVEN TRY TO REMIND ME OF THOSE TIMES!" This time they laugh. "I dont even have to remind you! Ive done it enough times to know how to do it under a second... in most cases..." I smile, Well thats good, in case she comes. So it's good to know you are always there...." They nod. "Its Anti by the way..." I nod my head AGAIN. "I'll try not to forget again!" 

Anti then turns around, and does something. "There does seem to be a problem between multiverses and universes" I tilt my head to the side. "What do you mean by that?" Anti then turns back around again. "It's not too important, glitches like this usually happen, it should be over and done with in a couple of minutes I guess, if not then that pretty bad news!" "What? You never told me about any of these things!" Anti shrugs their shoulders. "Thats a you problem I guess!" I sigh. We wait a couple minutes not saying anything. Then I remember about y/n again.... I NEED TO FIND Y/N.... AND SEE ERROR!  "Can I leave now.... ITS IMPORTANT!" Anti turns around to face me. They then nod their head. 

I form a portal and jump through it. Next stop, the anti void! Should be easy to get to it! I then walk into a familiar white space.. Here I am again.... for the 51st time! Too bad it isnt over 100, this place is pretty nice but I never have time for such things! I do wonder what the problem with multiverses was... it weirded me out, eh I'll think about later! I start to walk, where could this guy be. Maybe stealing chocolate? I'll check fells place out, I'm pretty sure he also want to see me, I think everyone wants to see me today but whatever! I teleport to underfell. I then sneak into Fell's house, I dont really have to but I'm doing this for fun! I might as well enjoy the stay here! I wonder if the Grillby's is still here though.... I teleport into the kitchen, no one is there... huh, I walk over to the living room. "Hello?" There is no response. I guess there is nobody here! Fell just missed out on a chance of seeing me! TOO BAD! I dont really need to be here either ways!

I go back to the anti void. It still as interesting here as it was quite a while ago heh! That same white space where I contemplated my life choices with anti. For 5 years... that was the first time I actually destroyed my soul... I did it only to get out of there, my powers weren't as developed then! 

I sigh, "GLITTCCCHHHYYYYYYYY!" No response! I guess I'll just teleport to the person closest to me. Yes I can do that. I did my trick and nothing happened, oh yeah that dosent work in the anti void... THAT SUCKS! I start to walk north, BECAUSE THAT IS USUALLY ALWAYS THE RIGHT DIRECTION! I walk for quite a while, with nothing in sight. but then... "OH MA GAWD I SEE SOMETHING!" I run over to it because I am in no mood to fly even though it is easier. The 'soMeThInG' Turns around and then stands up and starts running to me. We both stop right in front of each other, so no physical contact is made. I look up slowly. "Hello Glitchy!" "PlEasE dOnT CaLl mE tHaT...." I tilt my head. "Im JuSt jOkInG SiLlY!" I laugh. It has been a while! "So have you overcome your haphephobia?" He shakes his head. "NoPe!" Well that sucks. "WeLl I hAVE WItH JUsT YoU..." I look up at him. "Oh yeaaaahhhhh" He then realises. "Oh SHI-" I launch myself at him. Pushing him onto the beanbag behind him and then quickly getting off. "Do you remember when we first met?" He shakes his head. I sigh. "How about I remind you!!!!!" He shakes his head again. "BUT WHYYYYYY?" He laughs. "BeCAuSe I CANT REMEMBER!" I take a deep breath in. "THEN ALLOW ME TO REMIND YOU!" "NOOOOOOOO" He gets his arms ready as if I was going to pounce on him again. "We met nearly 200 years ago, WHEN YOU WERENT ALL GLITCHY!" He then relaxes his arms before looking at me confused for a minute before making that ' Oh I get what you mean' face. "Yeahhhhhh!" "YeAhhhHhHh!"

"iM gUeSsInG YoU WeRe oUt dOiNg bUiSiNeSs iN DiFfErEnT MuLTiVeRsEs?" "Yeah... Nothing too important I guess" "WeLl YoU ArE HeRe nOw!" I sigh. "Unfortunately not for long... but do you know where nightmare is by any chance?" I then hear a voice behind me. "Im right here!" I smile. "It's nice to see you again Nightmare!" He also smiles in his own way. "Im glad you could find time to see us again!" I nod my head. "Yeah Its like it was a while ago!.... when nightmare was stealing error's chocolate all the time!" Error then turns to nightmare. "SO YOU ARE THE ONE THAT HAS BEEN STEALING MY CHOCOLATE.... I THOUGHT IT WAS FELL!" Nightmare, isnt fazed. "Well Fell dosent even know the route here..." He then realises. "Oh yEaH!" I laugh. Guys I know it's nice to see us all together...... 

 but we have some business to take care of....


Sorry I couldn't update yesterday I was more busy than I usually am so YEAH!

I hope y'all enjoyed my chapter!

Ill see you guys on the next one!

Words - 1070

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