'One Issue Solved'

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Arlighty! IM BACK FOR NOW! Sorry for not updating yesterday or the day before... I was busy and resting cus you know everyone needs their rest! Its nice to know that we are at 6.4K and still growing! Which is quite amazing! CUS ITS LIKE ONLY BEEN A MONTH SINCE I STARTED THIS! So yeah! Im not really sure what else to say but..... YEAH THATS ALL IM GOING TO SAY!!!!! I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Nightmare POV:

Was I asking him questions? WELL OF COURSE I WAS! I look down beside mw to see Killer grabbing my legs. "Seriously?!" He nods his head and grins at me. Im literally going to go crazy because of this guy one day..... and so will the others probably. THATS THEIR PROBLEM THOUGH! So they can blame him and not me.... and if they did..... yeah I probably shouldnt mention it here...... for obvious reasons.

WELL! I look back up to see a very annoyed 404. Haha. His face looks halarious when he is annoyed, its all.... well I dont know how to explain it but its just funny.... for me at least. He sighs. "We should hurry up on finding them...." I nod my head. Sure we do. I wonder where Y/N might be.... WAIT A SECOND! I havent seen error for a while! Maybe..... WELL I DO HOPE SHE IS THERE BECUASE IF SHE ISNT THEN IM JUST GOING TO SIT DOWN AND LET THEM DO ALL THE WORK! I look down at Killer again. "Get off me!" His grin vanishes off his face as he pulls away from my leg... slowly. "And stop trying to be dramatic cause its not working!" He stands up slowly, as if he didnt hear me at all and just continued what he was doing. He then turned around, walked over to 404 and just stood there for a moment. What is he doing?... I then see him basically jumping down to 404's legs and wrapping his arms around one of them, showing his grin once more. I couldnt help but snigger at the sight. "So it wasnt funny when he was doing it to you but apparently its funny when he does it to me!" I just shrug my shoulders, smiling. After about a moment or two of standing he turns back around, rolling his eyes at me. Now that is quite rude! 

OH YEAH! I need to tell him about the plan... or I could go on my own... Well buddy, looks like Im leaving ya here alone with this psychopath! "Well! Good luck with finding them!" He turns to me. "What do you mean by that?" He then notices what Im about to do. "Dont... you.... DARE!" I wave at him before teleporting away. Heh! This guy is real funny! Well looks like Im heading to the anti-void....

Sooooo! I finally do make it after like 2 mins.. or 3mins? Eh I dont know and I wont be questioning it because there is literally no point in doing so! I turn all ways. Hmmmm Interesting. Looks like im going to have to search for him some where in here which could take ages! But Im not going to look around mindlessly, hoping to find him eventually... or them for any matter. Im going to see which direction is showing the most emotion. Sure it might sound stupid but its useful! I turn to my side. Thats where im getting it from... AND THATS HOW YOU CAN DO SMART!

Ummmmmmm... Well it turns out that was the wrong direction! WELL I GOT IT WRONG ON PURPOSE..... TO SHOW YOU WHAT NOT TO DO.... Or me actually but never mind! Its not any of my concern anymore. I continue to search for a while. How long? I dont know, I dont keep trach of those type of things. I look up. Not like anyone can really keep track of time here, in this empty void. Why is it even called the 'anti-void'? Its literally just a different colour...... NOTHING ELSE IS DIFFERENT ABOUT IT! In my opinion every type of void is THE SAME! Well except from some minor differences like how the anti-void is a different colour to the normal void. 

I keep on walking for a while. Well! Looks like im actually getting some steps in today! I then look ahead of myself.... is that who I think it is? I teleport to the area that I just saw. To see Y/N on error's beanbag.... NEXT TO ERROR! "What do you think you are doing?!" He glares at me before grinning. WHY IS EVERYONE GRINNING TODAY?! "ThAt nOnE Of yOuR BuIsIUnEsS!" I roll my eyes..... or eye actually.... I glare back at him. "We need Y/N back!" "AnD WhY wOuLd yOu nEeD HeR?" "Because I might know how to solve this..... we need bill to help us though, because I dont know how to do it completely... he knows though" Y/N then stands up and comes to me. "I would like that." Geez why cant I get used to that look on her face...... I shake it off. "Anyways we might come back later!....." I smile at him. "Glitchy!...." He looks at me. "SERIOULSY!" I nod my head before turning around and teleporting with Y/N back to the castle, to the kitchen if you wanted to be more exact. 

AND GUESS WHO I SEE THERE!.... Nobody! Hah! I bet that you thought that someone was there for a moment! THERE WASNT! There was actually no one there though. Y/N went to sit down while I went to go get some coffee from the fridge. "You want some?" She looks at me, almost surprised, before shaking her head and looking back down at the bland table in front of her. Why is she looking at the dang table? I dont think about it while I get my now heated coffee and go  sit down next to Y/N. This is fine!

"I do wonder when we are going to find him...." I then hear a voice behind me. "You mean me?!" I spin my head around. It was Bill, leaning against the kitchen doorway grinning. Again.... WHY IS EVERYONE GRINNING TODAY!? "WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU?!" His grin disappears from his face. "I was looking for a easier solution for this.... and I think I found one."


Sure did take a while, just like every single other chapter in this book!

I hope you guys liked it!

Again Im sorry for not updating yesterday or the day before...

As I said in the beginning....

I was busy doing ME stuff!

Also Im will work on doing more than one POV in a chapter!

Anyways see ya guys in the next chapter!

Words - 1122

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