I walked over to the steps and started walking down into the water, hyperaware that his eyes were on me, stalking me. Once the water was skimming the bottom of the tank top, I yanked it off, quickly, and sank down into the water, before he could really see anything. I hoped. I thought that I heard a sharp intake of breath, but I was probably imagining it. 

I groaned and closed my eyes, as the warm water slid over my body, easing the tension from them. I might not be able to swim, but I still loved being in the water. There was nothing more relaxing than just sitting back and letting the water glide over you. 

I felt eyes on me, burning into my skin, so I opened them to an icy inferno. The fire in Colby's eyes had me choking on a gasp. The air thinned around me, making it hard to breath, as I stared into those flames. He moved closer to me, slowly, like a predator stalking it's prey. My body had a fight or flight reaction, and I honestly felt like I wanted to run. 

I didn't know what to do in these types of situations! I never learned how to deal with them, or even how to flirt. So, I froze and watched him warily, as he crept closer and closer to me. When he was right in front of me, his hands drifted out and settled on my hips. I jerked, as his touch seared through me. My treacherous body was having way too many reactions to it. 

My cheeks flamed, my stomach fluttered, and my throat went dryer than the Sahara. I felt like a scared kitten, frozen when a friendly hand comes towards it. While I knew the touch was friendly, that didn't mean that it wouldn't leave me in pain. Did I really want to go through that? Wasn't I already going through it? 

He leaned towards me, slowly, giving me plenty of time to stop him, if I wanted too. I wanted to, but I really, really didn't want to. Either way, I was going to go back home in pain, so might as well enjoy it while I can. My entire life had been mostly pain. I could deal with it. And, I had REALLY enjoyed myself in that dressing room. Fuck it.

Deciding that it was taking him entirely too long for his lips to reach mine, I reached out and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him to me. A surprised breath escaped his mouth, before my lips pressed forcefully to his. 

For just a second, he was motionless, then his fingers dug into my hips, hard enough to bruise, and his mouth was fighting for dominance against my own. His tongue pressed against the seam of my mouth, asking for entrance. I opened to him, freely, letting him take as much as he wanted. 

My arms were now around his neck, so I delved my hand into his wet hair, pulling slightly. He groaned into my open mouth, sending chills down my body, even in the warm water. Guess he liked it. So, I pulled a little harder, putting a little more force into the kiss. He broke the kiss with a growl, both of us breathing heavily. His eyes burned into mine, leaving me a complete mess. 

I suddenly wished the pool wasn't heated, because my body could really use a way to cool down. He pushed me back against he pool wall, placing his arms on either side, trapping me. I gulped, holding his hot gaze. 

He smirked, then his top teeth came out to catch his bottom lip, before slowly letting go. Jesus, but that did things for me. He leaned towards me, so eagerly waited for his lips to touch mine. Instead, he tilted his head, and kissed my neck. I shivered, and let a small breath escape. He kissed up my neck, and back down, letting his tongue trace the same path. 

My eyes closed against the onslaught of feelings that I was having. Again, I reached out and locked my hands behind his neck, grabbing his hair. When I pulled, I felt his teeth bite down on my skin, eliciting a sharp gasp from my lips. It felt like the best parts of Heaven, but sinfully delicious, at the same time. 

He sucked, nipped, and licked against my skin, until I was squirming against him. He leaned his body into mine, letting me feel his own excitement, and I my eyes popped open, with a shocked gasp. He kissed my jaw, then made his way back to my lips, locking eyes with me, as he did. 

I let out a sigh, that he swallowed, as I closed my eyes again, as I drew him closer to my closer to my body. Maybe he really did find me attractive? Or maybe it was just a normal reaction that a guy would have making out with anyone. 

Either way, I felt my confidence grow just a little, as I leaned into his body, feeling his hardness against my soft skin. He groaned again, as his lips slowed against mine. When he broke the kiss, I whimpered in protest. I ACTUALLY FUCKING WHIMPERED!? Seriously, I was going to have a problem with this shit, being a strong independent woman now and all. 

When he smirked at me, I narrowed my eyes and glared at him. Our bodies were still locked together, and he still had me trapped, but I no longer wanted to escape. "Guess we have some thing to talk about?" he replied, huskily, making it sound like a question. I looked into his eyes for a minute, before I reluctantly nodded. 

Guess I should go about this the adult way. Fuck adulting. 

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