Chapter 98

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When you wake up, you can't help but feel some regrets about last night. It was the best sex you've had in a while, don't get me wrong. It just felt wrong for it to have been with Charles, even though Lando had left with Lily. But, on the other hand, Charles has been wonderful to you. Yes, he'd made a mistake in the past, a big one, but wasn't that where second chances were for?

As Charles was still sound asleep, you made the decision to get out of bed. Where were your clothes? Unable to find them, you quietly retrieved a shirt and pants from Charles' closet and put them on. They were considerably oversized for you, but it would have to suffice. You needed to return to your room to take a shower and change into your own attire. Unfortunately, your room was located on the other side of this enormous villa. This meant you had to walk through the main living area and the kitchen to reach your destination. You were hoping no one would be awake yet, as it was only seven in the morning. You decided to leave Charles behind, still peacefully asleep.

Oh no, Kika and Max were in the kitchen, the very place you had to pass through to reach your room. You quietly opened the door and stepped inside, both of their heads instantly turning toward you.

Max: Nice outfit, Bells.

You cursed silently; he knew.

Kika: Bellshina, you really did that?

Yn: I don't know what you're talking about, Fran.

Kika: There's no need to lie to me, babe. I'm happy for you; you definitely needed that after the day you had.

Max: Was it good?

Alright, changing tactics; it was time to gross them out so they would stop talking about it. Besides, there was no point in denying it now that they'd seen you. You took a step toward Max, gazing at him with big, doe-like eyes.

Yn: It was so good, Max. I love men that go down on me, as you well know. And Charles, well he's sooo good at it. We had very, very good sex.

Max: Iew Bella I did not need to hear that much.

You roll your eyes at him as you walk towards the door to your side of the house.

Yn: Then cut the intrusive questions Max.

Kika: Well I will need all the nasty details.

Yn: Of course you do Kieks.

That didn't surprise you in the slightest.


After a thoroughly deserved shower, you returned to the kitchen to pour yourself some water. You were tapping your glass when someone placed their hands on both sides of the kitchen counter beside you.

Charles: Sneaking out, are we?

His lips dangerously close to your ear sent a shiver down your spine.

Yn: I was in desperate need of a shower and didn't want to wake you up.

He turned you around, locking eyes with you.

Charles: Can we discuss what happened last night?

Yn: We had sex, in case you forgot.

He gave you a devilish smile, licking his lips as he did so.

Charles: I could not even forget if I wanted to.

Yn: Well, I gotta go. Kika and I are having a girls day today.

He raised his eyebrows in slight surprise but recovered soon after.

Charles: Can we talk after?

Even though you didn't feel like having that difficult conversation, you knew you had to agree.

Yn: Sure.

Charles: Have fun, Bells.

Yn: Thanks.

You were heading into the garden, now having to find and ask Kika about the girls' day you had supposedly planned together. Unfortunately, Charles was following you into the garden, which meant you had to hope Kika got the message without you having time to explain.

Yn: Fran, you coming?

Kika: I'm coming...?

Come on, Kika, get the hint.

Yn: Our girls' day, remember?

Kika: Oh, yeah, I'm coming, babe.

Pierre shot Kika a confused look, after which he glanced at Charles, who just shrugged.

Kika: Babe, I told you about this yesterday. Bella and I planned a girls day at the spa.

Relief washed over you as Kika seemed to be adept at picking up hints and lying all at once.

Pierre: Have fun.

Kika: We will, duh.

As you and Kika stepped through the front door, she finally spoke again.

Kika: So, a girls day, huh? Want to tell me what this is about?

Yn: I was trying to avoid a conversation with Charles.

Kika: Why? What did he want to talk about?

Yn: He wanted to talk about last night, and probably what it meant.

Kika: Yeah, about that, girl, plot twist.

You stepped into the car, and Kika followed.

Yn: I know. One thing led to another...

Kika: You know he's still going to make you have that conversation with him, right?

Yn: I know, but that's a problem for future me.

Kika: Alright, let's head to the spa.

Yn: I don't even know if there is a spa here.

Kika: There is, and I just booked us an appointment in 30 minutes, so drive, Bella.

Yn: You did that while talking to me?

Kika: What can I say, I am amazing.

Yn: You really are, Kieks.

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