Chapter 35

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Max: So you're with him?

Yn: Max...

Max: Are you really together with Lando?

Yn: I am...

Max: He doesn't deserve you.

Yn: How so?

Max starts pasing angrily.

Max: He doesn't deserve you because he doesn't love you the way I love you!

Yn: Stop yelling...

Max: You should be with me not with him. Please, I love you. I have always loved you. Every minute of every day.

You stay silent, not knowing what to say. Did he really still love you?

Yn: I'm sorry Max but I'm with Lando...

He starts walking away, you walk after him not wanting to lose your best friend after you just got him back.

Yn: Max, don't walk away from me.

He is still walking away from you, through the lobby and then outside.

You struggle to keep up with him, but then he suddenly stops walking.

Max: Why are you with him..?

You don't know what to say. He starts walking towards you. You feel your back against the wall, he's got you pinned.

Max: I know you still love me.

Yn: Max...

He starts caressing your face.

Yn: Max, don't.

Max: I can give you the world and more, please.

You don't know what to say. Tears are rolling down your face.

Max: Don't cry babygirl...

He wipes the tears away with his hands and kisses you.

The kiss is soft and Max smells just like he always used to. He feels safe.

It takes you a second to release what is happening but then you shove Max away from you.

Yn: How dare you kiss me!

Max: I'm, I don't know, I'm so sorry. I just thought y-

Yn: Well don't, don't think, don't talk to me, just don't Max.

Max: I just want you to love me, I know somewhere deep down you still do.

Yn: I, just, just give me some space Max.

Max: Marry me, I can treat you better than he can.

You start walking away from him, tears running down your cheeks. Do you still love Max somewhere?

You shake that thought and practically run back to your room.

On the way you bump into someone, but through the blurriness of your tears you can't see who it is.

You quickly excuse yourself as you make your way back to your room.

You slam the door behind you and fall on your bed, crying.

Why did Max do that and what are you going to say to Lando?

You suddenly stop crying. Did he just ask her to marry him? You don't know if you heard him correctly.

You must have misunderstood him, so you shrug the thought off.

You would deal with this mess tomorrow, but for now you were going to sleep.

Later that night someone's knocking at the door. It doesn't wake you up.

Lando: Muppet... Are you okay?

You don't hear his voice. The door goes unanswered so he decides to head back to his own room.

What you don't know is that Lando's the one you bumped into earlier. 

One of a kind - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now