Chapter 48

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*Mature content*

Yn's pov:

For a moment you just look at him, not comprehending what he just did.

Yn: I should go back to my room, it's late.

Lando: I'll walk with you.

You got up and walked to the elevator with him. You're about to open the door to your room when he puts his arm in front of it. His breathing is getting heavier.

Lando whispers: Are you happy?

Yn: I don't know.

You knew that came out with a small voice, you wonder if he heard your answer.

Yn: Why?

Lando: Because I need you to be happy.

You feel his words against your skin, your lips even. You feel like you can't breathe.

Lando: So let me ask you this again, are you-

Yn: You should ask me what you really want to ask me.

He looks into your eyes.

Lando: I need to know if you are happy with Max.

Yn: I am.

Lando: Do you love him?

Yn: I do.

Lando: Are you in love with him?

Silence. "No" you think. "No, I am not". You don't know what to say, but your silence has apparently answered the question for you.

He takes a step closer to you. His hand brushes a piece of hair behind your ear.

Lando: Tell me to stop.

You don't tell him to stop.

His hand slides down, he takes off the ring Max gave to you.

You still don't tell him to stop.

Lando: Baby, you should really start telling me to stop.

You don't.

He backs you into the wall, his other hand sliding into your hair.

Lando: If you don't tell me to stop, I won't.

You are not able to breathe, let alone speak.

You close your eyes, and then he kisses you.

The kiss is soft at first, but then he deepens the kiss. Lips are dancing and hands are searching to hold on.

He takes the key out of your hands and opens the door to your room.

Lando whispers: Oh baby, tell me to stop.

He pulls you inside, closing the door.

Yn: Don't stop.

Lando: Fuck.

He lifts you up, you wrap your legs around him. You take off your sweater, leaving you in sweatpants and a bra.

Lando: Fuck baby, you're gorgeous.

He puts you on the bed and starts kissing you everywhere. You take off his sweater and when your skin touches his, the butterflies are almost flying out of your stomach.

Lando: I'll stop right now, just tell me.

Yn: I won't.

Lando: Why don't you want me to stop?

Yn: Because-

Lando: Because you are not in love with Max.

Yn: No, I'm not.

He kisses around your bra, you close your eyes.

Lando: What do you feel when you look at me?

Yn: I-

Lando: Tell me baby.

You want to tell him you love him, but then you remember Lily. A stab of pain hits your stomach: Lily, his girlfriend.

You whisper: I hate you.

For a moment he's quiet, but then:

Lando: I hate you too.

Yn: I hate you so much it hurts.

Lando: Oh and what about how much I hate you. You're vexing me every fucking day.

Yn: You vex me so much it's consuming me.

Lando: You vex me so much I'm unable to to think about anyone else. I even broke up with Lily because of that.

Yn: I am not able to think about anyone else as well.

Lando breathes: I hate you so much that I love you.

He kisses you again, lying on top of you.

Yn: I hate you so much that I love you too.

He takes off your sweatpants, and then his own.

Yn: I even hate you so much that I smashed that volleyball on your head.

He laughs: I knew you did that on purpose.

Yn: Well you deserved it.

Lando: I did, let me make it up to you.

He gets down on you, making you forget all about everything. 

One of a kind - Lando NorrisUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum