Chapter 99

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Yn: I needed that.

You step out of the car and immediately feel the hot sun burning on your skin.

Kika: Me too, rough night.

Yn: Gross Kika, I didn't need to know that.

Kika: Well at least I don't have to have a conversation where the question "What are we?" will 100 percent be asked.

Yn: Yes you have a very stable and lovely love life. You know I'm jealous, stop rubbing it in my face.

When you step inside, it appears no one is home. That's good; it gave you some time to sleep after last night's lack thereof. It was just after lunch when you decided to close your eyes for just an hour or so.


When you open your eyes, it's already dark outside. A little disoriented, you get out of bed and head to the bathroom. You check your phone—8pm, fuck. That means you literally slept your day away. After you take a shower, you get dressed in something comfy and finally head downstairs. You walk into the kitchen, where everyone is sitting at the big table, just finishing up their dinner.

Charles: Good morning to you too.

Max: Oh so you are alive. I thought you died.

With glassy eyes and a sleepy head, your brain isn't able to formulate a response.

Pierre: It appears your head is still in bambiland.

You take the empty seat next to Kika.

Yn: Why didn't you wake me Kieks?

Kika: I tried babe but you were on another planet.

Yn: Oh.

Charles: We saved you a plate.

Yn: Thanks.

You take the plate from Charles, which had pasta on it.

Yn: Who cooked?

Kelly: I did.

Alright, that meant it would be good. After you take your first bite, that thought was confirmed. God, that woman sure knew how to cook.

Yn: It's amazing.

Kelly: See, told you other people do actually like it.

Max: Well, she always had a weird taste.

Charles: That's why she dated you, mate.

You can't help but actually laugh at Charles' joke, it was a sharp one.

Charles: But seriously Bells, let's not inhale that plate of food.

Yn: I haven't eaten anything since this morning, I'm starving.

Pierre: I told you we should've saved her two plates.

Charles: Trust me, she'll eat so fast she'll be very full after she finishes that plate.

True to his words, that's exactly what happened. You ate Kelly's pasta in a record time, after which you felt very full.

Yn: So what's the plan for tonight?

Max: All the people that did not sleep the whole day are actually quite tired.

Yn: So, no plans?

Kika: Why, you wanna do shots?

Pierre: I thought we were staying in tonight Fran?

Kika: You are, we're not, right Bellshina?

Yn: I guess we aren't. Wanna join us Kelly?

Kelly: Sure.

Max: Hey I thought we were having a movie night?

Kika: I'm sure Pierre will join your movie night.

Yn: Yes you guys could cuddle up underneath a blanket and be all cosy without us.

Pierre: You read my mind Bells. Come on Charles, let's cuddle on the couch. We could watch Titanic, or the Notebook.

Kika: Pierre Gasly you are not watching those movies without us.

Pierre: Then stay in and watch it with us Frannie.

Kika: No, I am doing shots tonight. We'll watch the Notebook tomorrow.

You roll your eyes at their bickering, how typical. Charles noticed and couldn't help but laugh.

Kelly: Let's leave in an hour?

Yn: Works for me.

Kika: Come on, that's way too little time.

Yn: Then get your ass to the bathroom and get ready.

You're about to walk after her when Charles stops you.

Charles: Do you have a minute?

Not wanting to have the conversation but knowing you have to, you agree and follow him into the garden. You sit at the table and look at him as he gazes into your eyes. You eye him up and down in the dim light. Damn, those grey sweats and black hoodie made him look devilishly handsome. God dammit, life really wasn't fair. How were you supposed to have this difficult conversation with him looking like that?

What you didn't know is that he was thinking the exact same thing about you. 

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