Chapter 68

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You decided to wear a gorgeous red dress, to stay in the Ferrari colorscheme. You liked the colour on you, it made you feel hot. Besides, you were sure Charles would love it on you. You told Charles to head out to the party alone so you could take your time getting ready.

The party was in a large villa. Most people could be found in the garden, equipped with a bar, dance floor, swimming pool, and lots of people. It looked like all the drivers were there, along with their girlfriends if they had one. You were looking for Max, but couldn't find him.

Charles: Oh Bells you look absolutely amazing.

You blush and look shyly at Charles.

Yn: Thank you, you look good as well.

Looking over Charles' shoulder, you see Lily and Lando. He has his arm around her waist and she has her hand on his chest. You get nauseous from the sight and feel tears stinging your eyes.

Yn: Excuse me.

You quickly walk away in search of a bathroom. Why had you said yes to go to this party?

When you finally find a bathroom you lock it and sit down on the ground. You didn't want to cry so you tried to breathe calmly. Still, you couldn't prevent the few tears that escaped. Lando really needed to rub it in your face didn't he? You know what fine, if he can do that, so can you. You take out your phone and look for the photo where Charles gives you a hug after lifting you over the fences. You open your instagram and post the picture, tagging Charles.

You put your phone away and before you can think what to do next you hear a knock on the door. Your breathing falters when you hear who it is.

Lando: Are you in there?

His voice was soft, even a little loving as far as you could hear. You quickly get up and wipe the tears from your cheeks. You unlock the door and slowly open it. Lando walks in and locks the door behind him again.

Lando: Are you okay?

Yn: Why wouldn't I be?

Lando: You practically ran away from the party after being inside for less than two minutes.

Yn: I just had to go to the toilet.

Lando: Don't lie to me, I can tell from your eyes...

Suddenly, it was hard to hold back your tears. While Charles stood next to you, he didn't realise it, Lando did. You felt the tears stinging your eyes after which one escaped. Shit, Lando wasn't meant to see you cry. Then he does something you didn't expect. He grabs your face in his hands and wipes away the tears. You couldn't breathe, let alone say anything. His next words he breathed were so soft, barely a whisper.

Lando: Don't cry baby...

That was your breaking point, more tears escaped. Lando put his arms around you and pulled you into a hug. After a few minutes in his arms, you finally feel calm again. You had missed this so much, you had almost forgotten how nice it was to be in his arms.

Lando: Oh sweetheart, why are you so sad?

You couldn't tell him it was because of him and Lily, that was too embarrassing.

Yn: I don't want to talk about it.

Lando: Should I take you home?

You look up and give him a small smile.

Yn: I think I just need a drink or two.

Lando gives you a smile back.

Lando: I think we can manage that.

Yn: Great, thank you Lan.

You both knew that that thank you was more than just thanking him for a drink.

Lando: Oh and by the way, you're beautiful. Red doesn't look as bad on you as I thought after all.

One of a kind - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now