Chapter 100

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Charles' pov:

Charles: So... Did you have fun last night?

Yn: I did.

He takes place right in front of her, towering a bit over her since she was sitting on the table. He places one hand besides her as he leans on it. He hoped she counted this as filtering, as that was what he was trying to do.

Charles: It was kind of like old times, don't you agree?

Yn: I don't know... It felt different?

No, it hadn't felt different for him at all. It had felt like they were back in their happy bubble.

Charles: Different?

Yn: Yeah, more casual, right?

Charles: Right...

No, not right at all Bellshina. Damn Kika and her nickname for the nickname. It hadn't felt casual at all. It felt like he had finally earned back the love they shared, but maybe not?

Yn: Charles casual is good.

Charles: How?

Yn: Because casual means fun without the drama.

But he wanted the fun and the drama. He wanted it all, he wanted all of her. Still, he didn't dare speak that out loud, not wanting to scare her off.

Charles: Are you suggesting something casual?

Yn: Are you not suggesting something casual?

She genuinely seemed confused, as if she didn't know he wanted more than just something casual. Maybe she didn't... God, she looked hot with that unknowing expression on her face.

Charles: Does that mean I can kiss you?

Yn: It does.

Charles: Does it mean we can spend time together?

Yn: Charlie don't you know what something casual means?

Charles: Just double checking.

He smiled at her and she laughed at him. Her laugh filled his heart as it hadn't been in ages. He might not have her back yet, but this was a step closer to making sure she would fall for him once again. He managed to do it once, why wouldn't he be able to do it twice?

Charles: Can I casually get a kiss then?

Yn: If you lean in a little closer you might get lucky.

So that's what he did, luckily getting a very good kiss. He almost forgot what a good kisser she was, but last night and just now had reminded him of that fact. After being afraid last night was a one time thing, he was glad the future promised more of this. More of her.

Kika: BELLA! Quit the kissing and get your ass up here, I need you to pick out my dress.

Yn: Duty calls.

He wasn't able to hold back a grin. He really liked that she became good friends with Kika, since Pierre was his best friend. If the future worked out as expected, that would mean lot's of fun and double dates.

Charles: I think Pierre needs someone to watch the game with him.

She looked over her shoulder and now also saw Pierre standing by the window, not so very secretly spying on them. Smooth, Pierre.


Yn: Coming!

As she headed upstairs he took place on the couch next to Pierre, absently watching the game that was playing on the screen.

Pierre: You kissed her again?

He couldn't help but smile.

Pierre: Are you with her?

Charles: We agreed on something casual for now.

Pierre: You agreed or she told you something casual while you obviously want more.

He groaned.

Charles: The second.

Pierre: Just tell her.

Charles: I can't, I don't want to ruin what we have right now.

Pierre: But she might say yes, have you seen the way she was looking at you?

Charles: I don't know.

Pierre: Alright, do as you want. But she is gorgeous and funny. If you don't lock her down in time, someone else will.

Charles: As long as we're casual I don't think she'll get with someone else.

That's when Barcelona scored their first goal of the game and their conversation got redirected.

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