Chapter 55

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After a terrible night's sleep you decide to get ready for work. It's barely 5am, but you're not able to sleep any longer so you decide to get out of bed and get ready.

You turn on the tv, yesterday's second press conference was on. You listened to Alonso answering some questions. Then, you heard the press asking Charles a question and your heart dropped.

Press: Charles, have you noticed your shirt is wet?

Charles: I have noticed, yes.

He smiled, actually smiled, at the press.

Press: Well how did it get wet just before the press conference?

Charles: I eh, just, I bumped into this girl. And, well, she, eh, spilled her water over my shirt.

Carlos: She must be very pretty if she's got you rambling like that.

Carlos winked at Charles and all the drivers had to laugh. Charles: Very, but that's not something to discuss during this press conference now is it?

He shot Carlos a daring look which made Carlos put both his arms up in the air.

Carlos: Just stating the facts mate.

Charles: But, yes, I'm very excited for the qualification tomorrow. We hope to be towards the front of the grid, so we've got a good chance for the race.

You turn off the tv, your cheeks very red. He was, obviously, talking about your meeting yesterday. And most of all, he called you 'very' pretty, with emphasis on 'very'.

You're all ready to go by 6am, so decide to run to the track today. You get a sticky note and a pen from your drawer and write a note to Lando.

"I'm running to the track early this morning. I'll see you there."

You grab your bag, close the door and you stick the sticky note on your door. You really needed this run after last night. Just some time with yourself, music and the sun. When you arrive at the track you're all caught up in your own world, listening to a happy song trying not to think about last night. You're so caught up in your own world that you bump into someone, that someone being Charles, again. This time you stumble and lose your balance, falling on Charles. He catches you just in time, you feel your cheeks turning red and he laughs at you.

Charles: Good morning to you too.

Yn: Hi, morning. I'm sorry for not looking, again.

You give him an apologetic smile.

Charles: Something in me tells me you're very clumsy.

You give him an indignant look.

Yn: I am not clumsy.

Charles: Yeah, right. And my name is Carlos.

Yn: Ha Ha, very funny.

You try to look serious, but cannot contain your laughter.

Charles: So, you're here early.

Yn: I went for a run.

Charles: All the way to the track?

Yn: Well, yes, it's called a healthy lifestyle you know. Not sure if you know anything about it though.

You give him a daring smirk.

Charles: Ouch, and here I thought I'd be the athletic one.

You look him up and down, acting as if you cannot see how fit he is by just looking at him.

Yn: Yeah, totally.

He laughs at your sarcastic tone.

Charles: You didn't call me back yesterday? I even left you a voicemail.

Just like that, your good mood fades.

Yn: Oh, yeah, right, I'm sorry. I was busy.

Charles seemed to notice your change in mood.

Charles: It's alright. Are you okay?

Yn: Yeah.

Charles looks into your eyes.

Charles: Now the real answer?

Yn: No, no I'm not okay.

Charles: Do you want to talk about it?

Yn: Not now, maybe later though?

Charles: Sure, but I don't know when I'll see you again.

Yn: I'm going back to Monaco after the race on sunday. I've got an apartment there.

Charles: Really? I live there as well. You can fly with me after the race on Sunday, if you'd like?

Yn: Sure, text me the details.

Charles: I will.

Yn: I have to go shower and get ready for the day. Good luck with qualifying today, I also hope to see you towards the front of the grid.

The words already left your mouth when you realized what you just said. You basically just confessed on watching yesterday's press conference and hearing him calling you 'very' pretty. Charles' cheeks turned red this time, a very deep red.

Yn: I eh, gotta go, good luck Charles.

You walk away in a hurry, towards the McLaren hospitality.

In the distance you hear Charles calling out to you.

Charles: Thank you, I'll see you later!

You don't dare to look back and acknowledge him. You just smile at your feet and hurry to the showers. You liked having a new friend. Charles was easygoing and not complicating, unlike the rest of your life. You had to get ready for qualification, Lando would be at the track soon. After the shower you get dressed, put on a little make up and hurry towards the paddock where Lando is already waiting for you. 

One of a kind - Lando NorrisWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu